The web site Bill Nye's:The Brain
will be quite integral in helping students attain these and other related concepts. Once you are at the web site:
Hey! Do you want to see the human brain and the central nervous system? Visit Neuroscience For Kids. Once you are at the web site:
Now, suppose we consider that an area of the brain is discovered causing an inappropriate or otherwise detrimental behavior. Loosely understood, this is the basis of epilepsy. Excellent information on its causes and less invasive treatment procedures is provided by The Rush Epilepsy Center. One existing method for the treatment of epilepsy involves neurosurgeons removing the portion of the brain recognized as being responsible for the behavior of concern. More about this surgical procedure can be found at Epilepsy Surgery. Some activities for students after visiting the web site:
By the way, I chose red and white because these are the colors of my favorite NCAA football team. Can you guess which team? (hint: they have been national champions three out of the last four years!) Click here.