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The planet PSB had 20 different types of weed. All were green in color, and few had flowers, so the main criterion for categorization was leaf shape and size. A few species include the jagged-edge clover weed, the fat fuzzy weed, and the Minnesota weed which we felt was reminiscent of the wheat fields of the state.
In the tree category, we only found two species. The star tree was characterized by large, star-like leaves. As opposed to the spikey tree which had longer, spikier leaves.
On the surface of PSB, we found a vast array grasses, lichen and moss. There was soft moss and hairy moss, which generally covered the base of trees. Only one form of lichen was found, but the dead banana lichen proved to be most interesting. However, further study was inhibited by lack of funding. The grasses proved to be most difficult in its classification because of the various types. There were three particular types of grass-voluptuous, tall and shaggy- which were closly related and could belong to the same genius.
Finally the bushes and shrubs included blooming, spikey berry, spoon, and crew. We differentiated between them based on leaf shape. For instance, the blooming shrub has small bright green leaves and the spoon bush has dark, spoon-shaped leaves. We also encountered a dead bush that with further analysis could be identified.
Though this first encounter proved successfull in finding life on another planet, further study is required to fully understand the complexity and the actual relationship between plants on both planet PSB and planet Earth.
24 plants were discovered. They were placed into the following categories: bushes, trees, grasses, small plants and ground covers.
Bushes: 3 types. All bushes have the following traits: they stem from one root (branching off close to the ground), have green leaves, and are able to grow in the shade.
Bush #1: Fuzzy leaves growing in clusters of 9+ leaves. Big leaves at the bottom, newer growth towards the center of the cluster.
Bush #2: Waxy, short needles. Small red berries and immature dark green berries.
Bush #3: Small, oval shaped waxy leaves. Many per branch.
Also found: dead shrub, uncertain which variety.
Trees: 2 types. All trees have green leaves and have a trunk growing from a single root. Ground cover #1 (see below) growing near base and on trunk. Root system partially exposed. About 40 feet tall.
Tree #1: smooth bark with disruptions. Multiple leaves per stem growing out of branches. Spikey nuts (seeds) fall from tree.
Tree #2: Star shaped green leaves. Rough bark.
Grasses: 3 types. Both are green and long. Stay close to the ground.
grass #1: thin individual leaves.
grass #2: thicker reed-like leaves with sharp edges.
grass #3: dark green, thicker than grasses 1 or 2.
Small plants: 13 types. All have green leaves with distinct shapes. Grow no higher than 2 feet.
s.p. #1: green, flat spikey leaves.
s.p. #2: medium sized green leaves, on single stem.
s.p. #3: dark green, two leaves on a single stalk.
s.p. #4: tiny green leaves and small yellow flowers (5 petals). All clustered on a single fuzzy stalk.
s.p. #5: smooth green leaves.
s.p. #6: serated green leaves (5 per stalk).
s.p. #7: small green leaves on single stalk with flower cluster (yellow) at top.
s.p. #8: flat leaves with green seed stalk growing out of center.
s.p. #9: huge, broad leaves. Grows straight from the ground. Diameter of about 3 feet.
s.p. #10: green leaves with white splotches (disease?)
s.p. #11: bright green leafy clusters, short to ground, concentrated in one area.
s.p. #12: tiny dark green plant with small leaves. White spots. 3 leaves per stalk.
s.p. #13: enormous dark green leaves, red stems.
Ground Cover: 2 kinds.
g.c. #1: soft, easily removed, green/brown in color, individual growths in a large group. Grows in shade.
g.c. #2: green leaves on a long, vining red stem.
The plants evolved close to the ground because there is not enough sunlight in the area to let them grow higher. The trees are higher because they're older - they cause the shade that stunts the other plants' growth. Keep the competition down!
Where there's no shade, the plants are smaller because they are new growth - haven't reached their full height yet? Need funding to investigate this further.
Due to all prior knowledge, we hold that life exists when any or all of the following occur in an organism:
* dependent on energy
* highly impobable / organized
* bounded
Drs Hoyt, Ellis and Amlin landed on a previously uncharted, undiscovered, and unnamed planet on the 10th of Spetember at 1.30pm Atlantic Earth time. We hereby claim the right to name said planet, (as defined in the Eplorer's Law) which we shall exercise at a later date and time.
Upon arrival, we encountered certain organisms which, in conjuction with our background knowledge, we deem to be, in fact, living. These organisms were dependent on a source of light and heat similar to our Sun. Organisms which were not touched by this source of light and heat lost energy and died. (They became brittle, changed color, fell to our feet and became, in fact, lifeless.) They therefore show evidence of a life-span. Each organism exhibited a complementary structure that extended underground. The larger organisms showed major evidence of waste products. We also found evidence of growth with different sizes of the same-looking organism. For these reasons, we consider that all these organisms are living.
We classified the organisms into three classes according to size:
CLASS A) Shorter than two feet tall.
1) All one floppy, pliable piece of organism. Moves with any type of force (wind, etc.)
2) Identifiable stem, but still bendable. Also move with slightest force.
3) Very small. Inter-connected growth-system. Seemingly dependent on class C.
GENERAL OBSERVATIONS FOR CLASS A: The largest class -- covers the most area.
Most variable types of organisms. Basically all the same shade of green. Least permanant -- most easily displaced. Least amount of waste. Each organism has one long stalk. No branches. Stems/stalks are very thin. Color
CLASS B) 2 ft to 8 ft tall.
1) Broad, single leaves. Many veins in leaves. Branches are most spread-out. Tends to be shorter than others in class. Leaves appear in clusters.
2)Sword-type leaf. Small leaves in abundance. Numerous leaves. Spherical red berry-like growth attached to random branches.
3) Circular, shiny, broad leaves. Leaves appear in pairs on stem. Thicker leaves.
GENDERAL OBSERVATIONS FOR CLASS B: Leaves on branches were arranged in some kind of pattern.
More complex branch pattern than Class A.
All branches made up plant -- as opposed to one trunk with many branches.
Lots of evidence of waste.
Branches were brittle, less pliable than in Class A.
Definitive underside of leaf.
CLASS C) Over 8 ft.
Appeared to have distinctions in leaf and stem. But adequate study was not performed due to time and monetary constraits. The most promising of the three classes, we all agree that this Class is worthy of further investigation.
Flat, broad leaves with veins.
Thick, stocky trunk.
Not easily displaced, very attached in its environment.
We conclude that the organisms were living. Yet the only way to unquestionably discover if this is "true" would be to further study the said planet with observations over time.
Description of life forms in the "remote planet"...
I.Short organisms (.5 inches- 1 ft.)
a. dry/weathered/brown/crispy/yellow/thin/fragile/weak
b. under tall organisms- less sunlight; less energy?
II. Medium organism (4 ft.to 7ft.)
a. "shrub-like" organisms; thicker leaf, but shorter than short organisms...start to develop closer to the ground;
b. Even though they're in the same conditions, one is completely dried out while the others are green and flourishing
c. located under tall organisms which implies they get less sunlight due to shaded areas
III. Tall Organisms (15ft. -25ft.)
a. greener than all other organisms because they have the most direct access to the sunlight?
b. different "leaf" shapes implies different types of trees live on this planet
1. What energy sources do these organisms depend on to survive?
2. Why are some short organisms greener than the rest? Is it because of sunlight or location?
3. Does it rain? Snow? Do these organisms depend on anything other than sunlight?
4. Fact: The greener short organisms "soil" is moist, while the drier short organisms are dry. Does this contribute to the outcome?
Tools we used to differentiate plant species: We used organizational structure to determine different plant species desptite different stages in development. For example leaf patterns, veins, size, etc..in combination these categories allowed us to determine different species. The following plants are what our team discovered on the unkown planet:
Grasses: pre-requisites for classification: Slim leaves, parallel veins, smooth edges.
Grass 1: Bluish-green color, 7-8in tall, smooth, grows abundantly in shaded areas, in the far corner.
Grass 2: Yellow-green color, shoots of leaves come out of the stalk, 12-18 in tall, had a seed puff growing out the top, with long hairs and fuzzy seeds.
Grass 3: Green, short leaves growing out of the stalk, leaves were pointed, 6-7in tall, seed pod at the top.
Grass 4: Green, 3-6 in, no visible seeds, individual leaves growing straight out of the ground, didn't grow well without sunlight.
Weeds: pre-requisites for classification: Found intermittedly among other plans species, leaves seemed to grow from focal point beneath the ground.
Weed 1: Jagged leaves, flower growing in middle. 6in.
Weed 2: 1 ft tall, hairs on the leaves, leaves little and round, seeds in pods on top.
Weed 3: 7in tall, sparse rounded leaves.
Ferns: we only have one
Fern 1: light yellow green, clustered leaves, 8 in, low to the ground.
possible food sources: Plants that bore fruit, possibly edible.
Bush 1: 7ft, branches coming from one root, leaves on tips of every branch, bore small red berries.
Plant 1: Heart shaped leaves, small red berries with seeds on outside, low to the ground.
Clover 1: small to ground yellow flowers, 3 leaves on stem, shaded,
Bush 2: 6ft, waxy rounded leaves.
Bush 3: 6ft, light green clustered leaves.
Tree 1: 3 stories tall, rounded leaves bark peeling
tree2: 2.5 stories tall, light green 5 pt leaves, produces a spikey ball shaped nut.
Fungus 1: jagged and porous mint green, grows on bark.
Fungus 2: orabge bumps, looks like melted wax.
Fungus 3: tubular, white yellow color, 3 cm. tall.
Fungus 4: white dispersed throughout the bark, when in crevases displays underside, which has a fan shape.
Fungus 5: white with yellowish top, fan shaped.
Fungus 6: spongy moss at the bass of Tree 1 small green leaves.
unkown1: greenish pink color, in young plants large plants had a solid green color,
Unknown2: tiered, 4 petaled flowers, bursts of 5-6 leaves.
Unknown 3: 1ft tall located near bush 2.
unknown 4: jagged leaves growing out of the grate.
Mom plants are large specimens of weeds:
Mom 1:2 feet across, low to ground, veined leaves,
Mom2: bubbly leaves, shiny looking, leaves heart shaped.
Mande Maclay, Tegan Georges, Diana Fernadez
our trip to the subject planet was informative, but there remains much research to be done. our general summary of observations is
as follows:
we divided the obvious plant life into three basic categories, based on size, shape/form, and similarity to plnat forms on earth:
1) plants resembling earth trees (tall, rigid, with a hard bark-covered trunk like stem, and branches ending in leaves): 2+ different
we considered the two "trees" we found to be different species because, while they were similar in size and general tree-like
attributes, they had different leaf forms, different branch patterns and different trunk characteristics ("bark" texture and color, size,
ratio to rest of tree)
2) bushes/shrubs: 5+ since these plants seemed to be of a size in between that of the "trees" and the ground cover plants, we
decided to call them "bushes" due to their similarities with earth bushes. these plants were all roughly 3-6 feet tall, with branches
that ended in leaves an/or needles. these were of varying shapes and sizes and textures and colors, but they all shared the
characteristic of being smaller than those of the trees. Some bushes were found to bear fruit or seed-like "pods", as was one of hte
trees, whereas nothing of that form was found on ground cover plants upon our brief inspection. However, this could be much
better determined by more extensive research. We came up with three possible hypotheses explaining the size of hte shrubs: a) they
are a different category of plants from the trees and ground cover, b) they are trees whose growth is not yet complete, or c) they are
trees whose growth has been stunted by being shaded from light by the (seemingly) fully developed trees.
3) ground cover plants: 31+ these came in all shapes and sizes, from under two centimeters up to more than 30, and everthing in
between. their stems were more flexible and soft than those of hte trees and shrubs, and they seemed to lack the protective "bark"
layer for the most part. the exception to this were some small plans with similar leaves to one of hte trees, and our hypothesis is that
this could possibly be a "sapling" or some sort of very early "tree" growth. within the category of "ground cover" we discoverd
what we believe to be two sub-categories, one being "moss" and the other "fungi", based on their similarities to the earth organisms
by those names. the "fungi" seemed to only be growing on what we believe to be teh dead remains of a "tree," which lead us to
believe that they may be some sort of parasite, possibly the cause of the "tree"'s death. Another hypothesis is that the seemingly
dead tree died because it was completely shaded by light from both the tree branches above it and a large hunk of what appeared to
be shale rock. another interesting characteristic of the ground cover is taht we were able to determine that, at least amongst the
plants that we sampled, there is an obvious root structure underlying hte soil while the part above is green and of a different texture.
this lead us to believe that these plants possibly recieve some sort of chemical from the sunlight that affects their coloring, similar to
plants on earth. we were unable to verify this finding with the trees and shrubs, as the plants were too big for any excavation under
such a short research period, but with a more extended deadline and budget we would be able to further investigate this topic. what
we were able to verify was that the trees seem to have a broad underground root system as well, which we concluded after
observing roots partially protruding from the ground surrounding the tree which had similar "bark" patterns, leading us to believe
that they were part of the same plant. also, the bushes and trees did display the same generally green coloring as the ground cover.
specific examples:
-there was one seemingly dead bush, which had no leaves and whose branches were dry, brown and brittle both inside and out
upon inspection, whereas the other bushes had branches whose insides were somewhat moist and green.
-there was a big patch of ground cover which appeared different from the rest, and which seemed to be in cooler, moister soil
overall. at hte time of our inspection the area was completely covered by shadow, and with further research we would be able to
determine if this were a different climate which would affect the plant's progress. also, as the patch of this different vegetation was
rather large, wiht all the plants growing densely together, we could assume that they do in fact reproduce and were spreading.
however, few plants and VERY few ground cover plants bore any evidence of fruits, seeds, or any other reproductive method
resembling those of earth plants. however, we have no way to know if this is simply because htese plants reproduce on some sort of
larger cycle, which we would be able to determine wiht more extensive research and more time for the project.
-on the ground on nearly all of hte site, particularly near the "trees", we observed leaves which appeared to be from said trees and
which were both brown and yellow in coloring, and appeared to be either dead or dying. the brown ones were of a brittle, easily
broken texture, whereas the yellow retained some of the rubbery, plastic categories of the green tree leaves.
A. One foot and below
I. <3 inches
a. light green
1.1/16 " stalks
a) leaves
1) spade shape
i) jagged contour
ii) smooth contour
2) oval shape
i) jagged contour
ii) smooth contour
3) rectangle shape
b) no leaves
2.1/8" stalks
a) leaves
1)spade shape
i) jagged contour
iii) smooth contour
2)oval shape
i)jagged contour
ii)smooth contour
3) rectangle shape
b) no leaves
b. dark green
1.1/16 " stalks
a)alternating leaves
1)spade shape
i)jagged contour
ii)smooth contour
2)oval shape
i)jagged contour
ii)smooth contour
3) rectangle shape
b) leaves symmetrical from stalk
c) no leaves
2.1/8" stalks
1)spade shape
i) jagged contour
ii)smooth contour
2)oval shape
i)jagged contour
ii)smooth contour
3) rectangle shape
b) no leaves
c. green/brown
II. < 6 inches (See above key)
III. < 9 inches (See above key)
IV. < 12 inches (See above key)
B. Between one and 10 feet
1. less than 1 " oval leaves
2. cylindrical leaves
3. large circular leaves
C. Between Above 10 feet
* ground cover and community of plant species noted for observational purposes. The possible takeover of portion of planet hospitable by humans is a large concern. Further rescources would allow for further research
Sarah Frayne and Kathryn Bailey
On Planet PSB we discovered many plants. We separated them into the following categories:
tree, small plants, grasses, mosses, shrubs, large plants.
we defined these with our accepted definitons from earth. a small plant was something under a foot or so tall, and a large plant was something larger than that. grass was short but widespread; moss was close to the ground and didn't have easily definable leaves. shrubs were short and fat trees that grew out rather than up; they also didn't have trunks. trees had trunks! they grew up rather than out.
we found 28 different specimens.
some examples of each:
we found 17 different varieties of small plants.
one example is a chive-like plant, which smells and looks exactly like a chive. interesting. what would darwin say about this? it is thin and long, no leaves, and feels like it is hollow. it has a pungent aroma.
another example is a flowering leafy small plant. the leaves are thin and grow directly off the stem. they have a grainy texture. at the top there are buds for flowers. the flowers will be yellow.
we found two different varieties of trees
both were tall; one had wider leaves than the other. the one with wide leaves had forked leaves and spikey balls that were attached to the leaf clusters. the bark was more course than the other tree. the tree with the slender leaves (which were also in clusters) had bark that was smoother and flakey.
we found four different varieties of grass
one example has flat leaves that are very thin and long. it divides at the top into more than one leaf. the leaves have grooves. they are cupped with a definitive point at the bottom of the cup. (like a piece of paper folded).
we found three different varieties of shrub
one example had waxy rounded leaves (they look like fake nails) that grew in clusters. the shrub was about six feet tall and about as wide. the stems were hard to break off. it was similar to a beach umbrella. the leaves were dark in color.
another example had small dark green leaves that grew in circular clusters around the stem. the shrub had small red berries with a large seed. the shrub had the appearance of an evergreen.
we found one variety of a large plant. it looked like a rhubarb plant. we smelled the stem but found no smells similar to the rhubarb; this could be because of its young age, or because it is not a rhubarb. the leaf is fuzzy and has a spade shape. it is deep green. the stem is a reddish color. the veins are very defined. the leaf is about the size of a normal human's face and can be larger.
we found one variety of moss. it grew close to the ground, was fuzzy to the touch, and very very dark green. forest green, actually. in places it was yellow in appearance but we concluded it was the same type of moss due to its appearance apart from color.
we have concluded that the environment on Planet PSB is very similar to that on Earth. the plants seem to resemble almost exactly those found on earth. one could say one was on earth. funny, that.
We found 32 species of plant life on the planet. They ranged in size from tiny to huge and spanned ground, mid, and high levels of growth. We distinguished the plant species by color, shape, size, texture, and location. All plants were green unless otherwise noted.
The following are the species we determined
#1 -- mid level bush with shiny, fuzzy, green, almond-shaped leaves, remnants of flowers.
#2 -- high level tree with 5-6 pointed, star-like, green leaves, on outstretched branches.
#3 -- ground level thin bladed grass
#4 -- ground level thick bladed grass
#5 -- ground level heart-shaped grean leaves
#6 -- ground level long, green, pointed leaves
#7 -- mid level tiny, shiny, smooth, green leafed bush
#8 -- mid level red berry producing thin, green, spikey needled bush
#9 -- ground level tall yellow-green medium width blade grass
#10-- ground level spikey moss
#11-- ground level soft fern-like spikey green leaves
#12-- ground level fuzzy spikey- edged prickley weed-like leaves.
#13-- high level flaking bark green, tear-dropped shaped, smooth leaves, branches growing straight up tree. Had spikey pods on ground.
#14-- mid level smooth, velvety green leaves, sappling/shrub.
#15 -- 3-leafed in shade, green ground covering.
#16 -- Discolored green/brown "eaten Looking" plant, sappling or shrub.
#17 -- ground level, small yellow flowers on clover-like tiny round leaves growing in groups of three.
#18 -- tall wide bladed grass with centers of long fuzzy "wheat" like flowers.
#19 --almond shaped weed like leaves ground level.
#20 -- fuzzy leafy geranium shaped leaves ground level.
#21 -- non-fuzzy spikey weed-like leaves layered and grow out of center.
#22 -- scalloped leaves with buds red and brown stem, green leaves.
#23 -- tall stemmed long weed like spikey flowered plant.
#24 -- tiny bunched up layered leaves with fuzzy new leaves at center.
#25 -- light green tiny scalloped layered leaves growing to med ground level with flowered plant and white speckles on leaves.
#26 -- Super shiny giant spikey edged green leaves with red stalks. Ground level.
#27 -- Huge green thick stalked ruffled edged leaves at ground level.
#28 -- Huge red-stalked scalloped and ruffled heart shaped green leaves, floppy, hang over to ground from stems.
#29 -- Parsley looking clustered bunched leaves.
#30 -- Symmetrical light green with a lighter greenish-white pattern on leaves, flat fern-looking ground level.
#31 -- Vine like leaves grow in circular pattern around stalk.
#32 -- Five leaves clustered with scalloped edges red around edges.
In order to count the number of plants, we observed and noted specific characteristics that differentiated and distinguished them. The following is our observations:
1. Really thin (gossamer) grass-like plant, yellowish.
2. Thin grass-like plant, green
3. Thicker grass-like plant, green
4. Broad leaf grass-like plant, green, very close to ground in clusters
5. Spiny grass-like plant, green
6. Tall, thin grass with alternate thicker blades at 90 degree angles
7. Small clovers with round leaves, green, very close to ground
8. Large clovers, green
9. Small plant with three spikey, green, tear-drop shaped leaves all at the top of the stem of the same plant
10. Small plant with four spikey, green, tear-drop shaped leaves with red spots, all at the stem of the same plant
11. Small plant with five spikey, green, tear drop shaped leaves all at the stem of the same plant
12. Cluster of broad, spikey leaves with deep cuts into the sides, close to the ground with basically no stem
13. Flowering very thin leaved and stalked with whorled leaves. Flowers were small, whitish and ball-like
14. Small, fern-like, double compounded plant
15.Moss, flat on the ground, with a dark base but small, green-tipped spongey tecture
16. Tree with star-shaped leaves
17. Tree with tear-drop shaped leaves
18. Six inch tall plant with a thick, red-striped stalk, alternate branches and two small leaves at the base of a really big leaf
19. Spade shaped small, single-leaved plant, lighter green in color
20. Five-point leaf with two small points at the base of three more pronounced points
21. Tear drop shaped, lopsided leavesm, three on a cluster on each stalk
22. Seven foot bush with thin needles at the end of branches, very small base but branches spawl
23. Six foot bush with small, round, waxy leaves and red berries
24. Similar to six foot bush in shape but leaves were longer and broader and no berries or wax coating. There were small bunches of leaves.
Questionables (molds and fungi that are either animal or plant)
- Moss (2)
soft spikes growing on the bark of trees
fern like, on ground between plants with star blooms
- Fungus (3)
blue fungus growing on trees, sprawling out from a central place
striped mushroom in shades of brown and white
yellow that sprouted like a mushroom on stump
Grasses (10)
Crab Grass
Club-shaped, leaved ivy
Prairie Grass
Wheat Grass
Long, thin grass, dark green, growing parallel to ground
Standard short grass, more yellow (lack of water?), 2-3 inches
Clovers (4)
14 round points
Speckeled leaves
Plants (15)
Strawberry-like plants, red berries
Mutant Collard Greens (2)
Green Stems, thin leaves
Purple Stems, wide leaves
Marigold-like, non-blooming plants
Dandilions (4)
Spiked leaves
Low, fuzzy
Fern-like, centralized, low to ground
Small plants(7)
Vertical (5)
Spiked, enlongated leaves, with red base
Minature pussywillow, long stem, with white bloom
Lower leaves purple, upper leaves green (of medium size)
Mushroom-shaped leaves
Horizontal (2)
Red stem, small round green leaves, glossed
Thin, green Ivy with small staggered leaves
Trees and Bushes (5)
Maple tree
Silvery-green leaves, pointy
Pine bush with red berries
Larger leaves, thin, yellowy green
Small, hard, glossy dark-green leaves