![]() | BIOLOGY 103 | ![]() |
2. Brown stalk
A: < 10 ft
a. needles b.soft leaves bb1.rounded bb2. pointed
a:single point b:multi point
3.No stalk
a. spongy leaf b.no leaves/hard
B:other(color, or "Grobstein" category)
a. flat aa1:bumpy aa2:smooth/close to surface
b. protruding bb1:disc shape bb2:tubular shape
Amanda Maclay Diana Fernandez
A. Tree Like
1A. Tall (8' and taller)
1A'. Jagged leaves (papery bark)
1A". Five lobe leaves (regular bark)
2A. Smaller (8' and smaller)
2A'. needles with berries
2A". leafy
2A"1. Alive
2A"1'. Lt green leaves (not waxy)
2A"1". dk green leaves (waxy)
2A"2. Dead
B. Un-tree Like
1B. Ground Cover
1B'. Leafy
1B'1. Stringy
1B'2. Vuluptuos
1B'3. Shag
1B'4. Crab Grass
1B'5. Tall
1B". "Mossy"
1B"1. Moss
1B"1'. Soft
1B"1". Hairy
1B"2. Lichen
2B. Individual Plants
2B'. Leafy
2B". Flowery
2B"1. Red-vein crawling
2B"2. Tall flowering
2B"3. Yellow flowering
2B"3. Oreo
2B"4. Squash
2b"5. Pumpkin
2B"6. Red Berry
2B'1. More than one stem
2B'2. Single-stemed
2B'1'. Clusters
2B'1'1. Lilly pad
2B'1'2. Jagged-edge clover
2B'1'3. Clover
2B'1". Not clustered
2B'1"1. Smooth leaves
2B'1"2. Jagged leaves
2B'1"3. Spunky fern
2B'1"4. Fat fuzzy
2B'1"5. Long fuzzy
Stephanie Lane, Katie Campbell, Kate Amilin
****************************PLANT LIFE*********************************
A. soft texture
1. moss (close to ground)
2. skinny leaf/Linear
3. thick leaf
B. thin/hard texture and leaves
1. leafy branches/ Even Pinnate
2. few leaves/ Biternate
3. single leaves/YEW(needle foliage leaf)
C. single thick/hard trunk and leaves
1. Orbicular
2. Palmately Lobed
A. Black
1. round/cap/ Pilius
2. Oyster
B. Tan
1. Fan-shaped Pilius
C. White
1. Fan- shaped Pilius
D. Lite Beige
1. Mushroom
We noticed that the biggest difference between the plants is the support system, which then determines the size, shape, and foliage of the plants. We wanted to find the least complex way of organizing all of the differences. We didn't classify and specifically name all of the plant life here, we are just presenting the basic outline of how the organization.
Support System
I. Brittle
A. Trees
1. horizontal branches
2. vertical branches
B. Bushes
1. Needles
2. Contoured
a.Round tip
b. Pointy tip
II. Non-Brittle
A. Mosses
1. Soft spike
2. Fern like
B. Grasses
1. Bladed
a. Long and skinny
b. Long and flat
c. Short and skinny
2. Non-Bladed
a. Clover
-3 leaves
-4 leaves
-14 leaves
C. Small Plants
1. Leaves from root
2. Leaves from stalk
1.0) Single Stalk 2.0) Mult. Stalk 3.0) No Stalk
(single root) (single root) (sngl. or mult.)
1.1 - Branches
1.1.1 - smooth bark (oval leaves - tree#1)
1.1.2 - rough bark (star shaped leaves - tree#2)
1.2 - No Branches (weeds)
1.2.1 - Flowers
1.2.1 A - clover-like flowers (s.p.#12)
1.2.1 B - small plant with yellow flowers (s.p.#7)
1.2.2 - No Flowers
1.2.2 A - big spotted leaves (s.p. #10)
1.2.2 B - dk. green multiple solid leaves (s.p. #3)
1.2.2 C - dk. green single solid leaves (s.p. #2)
2.1 - Branches
2.1.1 - Needles (bush #2)
2.1.2 - Leaves
2.1.2 A - fuzzy leaves (bush #1)
2.1.2 B - waxy leaves (bush #3)
2.2 - No Branches
2.2.1 - weed with small yellow flowers (s.p. #4)
3.1 - Ground Covers
3.1.1 - Vine (g.c. #2)
3.1.2 - Moss (g.c. #1)
3.2 - Leaves straight from Root
3.2.1 - Skinny (grasses)
3.2.1 A - flat leafed grass (grass #2)
3.2.1 B - thin leafed grass (grass #1)
3.2.1 C - Fine grass (grass #4 - new!)
3.2.1 D - Chive (grass #3)
3.2.2 - Wide Leaves
3.2.2 A - Horizontal growth
3.2.2 A' - large leaves with seed stalk (s.p. #8)
3.2.2 A'' - huge plant (s.p. #13)
3.2.2 A''' - big plant leaves (s.p. #9)
3.2.2 A'''' - dandylion (s.p. #11)
3.2.2 B - Vertical Growth
3.2.2 B' - spikey plant (s.p. #1)
3.2.2 B'' - white spot plant (s.p. #5)
3.2.2 B''' - serated leaf plant (s.p. #14 - new!)
II No Trunks
---A no leaves
-----1 green
-----2 brown
---B leaves
-----1 linear leaves
-----2 non linear leaves
-------a cordate
-------b jagged
-------c straight
-------d pinnatifid
1. Is it a plant? Yes? Go to 2.
2. Is it dificult to uproot? ...Yes: go to 3
............................No: go to 11
3. Is it majorly difficult to uproot? ...Yes: go to 4
......................................No: go to 7
4. Difficult to uproot......Has deep ridges on trunk?....Yes, go to 5
......Has smooth trunk with easy- peelable bark?...Yes, go to 6
5. Has 5-point leaf? CLASS C SUB 1
6. Has one-point leaf? CLASS C SUB 2
7. Do branches grow straight up?...Yes: go to 8
................................No: go to 10
8. Are leaves blade-like?.......Yes: go to 9
9. Does plant have red berries?.....Yes: CLASS B SUB 1
10. Has glossy leaves?....Yes: CLASS B SUB 2
.....................No: CLASS B SUB 3
11. Does it have blades? Yes: go to 12
.....................No: go to 17
12. Does it have a stalk? Yes: go to 13
..........................No: go to 16
13. Is stalk thick or thin? Thick: go to 14
.............................THin: go to 15
14: Does plant have a bud-like growth? Yes: CLASS A SUB 1
........................................No: CLASS A SUB 2
15. Does it have broad leaves? Yes: CLASS A SUB 3
..................thin leaves? Yes: CLASS A SUB 4
16. Does it have broad leaves? Yes: CLASS A SUB 5
..................Single blades? Yes: CLASS A SUB 6
17. Does it have a Stalk? Yes: go to 18
..........................No: go to 19
18. Does it have a flower? Yes: CLASS A SUB 7
............................No: CLASS A SUB 8
19. Does it have spiky leaves? Yes: CLASS A SUB 9
...............................No: go to 20
20. Are leaves elliptical in shape? Yes: CLASS A SUB 10
....................................No: CLASS A SUB 11
I. Woody
A. Trees
...1. branches
...2. leaves
...3. Fruit/Flower/Seed
...4. Root
...5. Trunk
B. Shrubs
II. Non-Woody
**see Woody Plants**
A. Plants
B. Grasses
Maggie, Emily, Laura B., Adrienne
on planet PSB the diversity was broken down into woody and non-woody.
1. woody plants : as the definitions below state, trees and shrubs are both woody plants. they are differentiated by height and where the branches start. we have them in the same category due to their woody stems.
...A) tree: a woody plant at least 5 metres high, with a main axis the lower part of which is usually unbranched.
...B) shrub: a woody plant less than 5 metres high, either without a distinct main axis, or with branches persisting on the main axis almost to its base.
(definitions found at http://www.b-and-t-world-seeds.com/k-o.htm#karyoevolution)
2. non-woody plants : these plants did not have a well-defined support system. they did not have woody stems.
...A) stems : these plants did have stems, but they were not woody; they were soft and fleshy. the stems were green or reddish in color.
.......a) large plants : the large plants were over one foot tall.
.......b) small plants : the small plants were under one foot tall.
............1) flowering
............2) non-flowering
...B) no stems : these plants did not have stems that were readily discernable. these plants grew close to the ground and in clusters. the clusters also grew close together, so it was hard to distinguish them from one another.
.......a) mosses : the mosses looked like a plant carpeting the ground. it was a consistent dark green color with yellow discolorations. the leaves are not distinct from each other. mosses grow along the ground, spreading out rather than growing vertically.
.......b) grasses : the grasses, although they do not have stems, were one continuous plant. the leaves had vein and were vertical and thin.
............1) flowering
............2) non-flowering
I. Plants
------A. No Bark
--------------1. Flowering plants
------------------a. Leaf distinctions (color, shape, size etc.)
------------------b. Stalks (color, thickness - realizing that age of the plant is an influence)
--------------2. Fronds - Non flowering plants (no visible buds and no evidence of sprouting)
------------------a. Generic Grasses (in referenece to earth's many and diverse grasses)
------------------b. Tall Grasses (over 7 inches tall)
------------------c. Stalked Plants (differentiated by leaf shape, color, patterns, etc)
--------------3. Mosses
------B. Bark
---------------1. Bushes
-------------------a. Texture of bark
-------------------b. Leaf shape, color, size, texture, etc.
-------------------c. Berries
---------------2. Trees
-------------------a. Growth Pattern
-------------------b. Leaves
-------------------c. Bark
II. Fungi
B). Trees--Large
A single vertical growing plant that branches out as height increases. It grows independently. Has one main stem which is grounded by stable roots. Height is normally greater than width. Able to sustain secondary growth (leaves). Branches begin growing outward at mid trunk.
C). Bushes--Medium
A plant having a width greater than (or close in length to) height. Branches begin growing outward at base of trunk. Branches contain many smaller leaves.
Plant with minimal height (in comparison with other groups found on planet)
D). Moss:
A ground plant with relatively no height. Grows ouward, over a surface area. Spft texture.
Surface Growing Plants
A) flat (1)
B) bushy (2)
Within the small plants:
A) grasses-a plant that grows in an individual strand
B) weeds--a small plant that has a stem which is the base for other growth such as leaves, buds, or flowers.
Small Plants
A) grasses- 1) thin i) long, thin, green waxy clusters (1)
2) thick i) leaf like one stem branches out (2)
B) weeds- 1) seeds i) loose seeds (12)
ii) grouped soft seeds (13)
2) cloved i) ridged leaves (6)
ii) smooth leaves (7)
3) vine-like i) tall (5)
ii) stuck to ground (11)
4) wide leafed i) tall (9)
ii) close to ground (3)
iii) spiky leafed (15)
iv) lettuce like leaves (17)
v) spotted (14)
5) flowered i) one stem with multiple flowers (8)
ii) with oval leaves (19)
iii) one flower (10)
6) buds i) long and stubbly (4)
Medium Plants
A) Bushes- 1) non leafed (4)
2) leafed i) needle-like (2)
ii) oval shaped a) large (1)
b) small (3)
Big Plants
A) Trees- 1) rough bark (1)
2) smooth bark (2)
A. Plant has continuous root system:
---a.If plant has clover-shaped leaves.
----------1.Small clovers with round leaves, green, very close to ground
----------2.Large clovers, green
---b.If plants have individual blades:
----------1.Thick blades
--------------------i. Thicker grass plant, green
--------------------ii. Broad leaf grass plant, green, very close to ground in clusters
--------------------iii. Spiny grass plant, green
---------------------iv..Cluster of broad, spikey leaves with deep cuts into the sides, close to the ground with basically no stem
----------2. Thin blades
--------------------i. Really thin (gossamer) grass plant, yellowish
--------------------ii. Thin grass plant, green
--------------------iii. Tall, thin grass with alternate thicker blades at 90 degree angles
B. If plants have individual roots:
--a. If plant has soft exterior
----1. Spikey leaves
----------i. Small plant with three spikey, green, tear-drop shaped leaves all at the top of the stem of the same plant
----------ii. Small plant with four spikey, green, tear-drop shaped leaves with red spots, all at the stem of the same plant
----------iii. Small plant with five spikey, green, tear drop shaped leaves all at the stem of the same plant
----2. Tear-drop shaped leaves
----------i.Compound leaves
----------------Small, fern-like, double compounded plant
----------ii. non-compound leaves
----------------* non-flowering
----------------------Tear drop shaped, lopsided leavesm, three on a cluster on each stalk
----------------------Six inch tall plant with a thick, red-striped stalk, alternate branches and two small leaves at the base of a really big leaf
---------------* Flowering
----------------------very thin leaved and stalked with whorled leaves. Flowers were small, whitish and ball-like
----3. Spade shaped leaves
---------i. spade shaped small, single-leaved plant, lighter green in color
--b. If plants have hard exterior (bark)
----1. branches originate at base of plant
--------i. needles
-------------Seven foot bush with thin needles at the end of branches, very small base but branches spawl
--------ii. leaves
----------waxy leaves
--------------Six foot bush with small, round, waxy leaves and red berries
----------non-waxy leaves
--------------similar to six foot bush in shape but leaves were longer and broader and no berries or wax coating. There were small bunches of leaves.
----2. branches originate above the base
--------i. star shaped leaves
--------------Tree with star-shaped leaves
--------ii. tear shaped leaves
--------------Tree with tear-drop shaped leaves
C. Un/Classified
----1. Moss, flat on the ground, with a dark base but small, green-tipped spongey tecture
----2. Appears to be a small tree, but did not know how to classify it until it matures to full size- Five-point leaf with two small points at the base of three more pronounced points
This classification should be used only on Planet Courtyard. It is created from our discoveries.