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An Artistic Exploration of Eating Disorders, Body Image, and the Self | ![]() |
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One of the great virtues of the web is the accessibility of a wide array of perspectives on any given topic, and this is very much true in the case of eating disorders. Because of this breadth of perspectives, the likelihood that individuals can find particular, distinctive things that speak valuably to them is greatly increased. At the same time, one needs to be willing to sort through materials to find the particular things that speak to one. While occasionally frustrating and burdensome, a very valuable offshoot of this sorting necessity is that it gives one the wherewithal to critically examine the things one finds, and in turn one's own perspective, by considering them in the context of other perspectives.
As elsewhere on Serendip, information provided here is not intended to be authoritative but rather to provide resources which individuals can use to further develop their own understandings and perspectives. The list of links below is by no means exhaustive, but is intended instead as a sample of the kinds of material on eating disorders which the web makes available (suggestions for additions which will broaden the perspectives represented are welcome, and should be sent to Serendip). The links have been organized, somewhat arbitrary, into four categories. Consistent with the Measure for Measure exhbit, the first category is sites organized by people who have or have had eating disorders, while the remaining categories are more views "from the outside". Whatever your interest in eating disorders, we urge you to look at material from all four categories, and at several sites within any one, before settling on any particular perspective as preferable (at least temporarily) for yourself.
Something Fishy - website on eating disorders created by a woman "in recovery for anorexia" and her husband
Fed-Up! - created by a woman who "has lived with an Eating Disorder for the past ten years of my life" and is a graduate student in Physical Activity and Health Sciences
The Fairy Website on Eating Disorders - created by a young woman who has been hospitalized with anorexia, who wanted to provide web materials reflecting "a more emotional, personal approach".
Hunger Pains, by "a recovering anoretic"
Pale Reflections, created by an Englishman with a bulimic woman friend
Addicted to Food, an MSN community site facilitated by a woman who overeats
Beyond the Body Betrayed, by a young woman "in recovery from anorexia and bulimia".
Eating Disorders, Mirror Mirror, by the Eating Disorders Recovery Group, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
The Anorexia and Bulimia Ring, interconnected web sites on these topics
Anorexia Information, from findinfo.com
Eating Disorders, from about.com
Eating Disorders, from feminist.com
National Institutes of Mental Health - has a variety of kinds of information. Search for "eating disorders" and related terms
National Institutes of Health - has a variety of kinds of information. Search for "eating disorders" and related terms
Eating Disorders, from Brain Briefings of the Society for Neuroscience
Caring Online, an extensive set of links on all aspects of eating disorders, together with stories, poetry, and more.
Eating Disorders: Fads and Facts, video of a seminar in 1998 sponsored by the National Institute's of Health Office of Research on Women's Health, viewable on line
Treating Eating Disorders, from Scientific American
Eating Disorders, from Internet Mental Health
Eating disorders, from the National Women's Health Information Center, US Department of Health and Human Services =
Resarch publications on eating disorders, from Stanford University
Eating disorders in adolescents, a position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine, from the Journal of Adolescent Medicine, 1995
Anorexia nervosa in association with medical disorders, by Barton J. Blinder, M.D. "Eating Disorder Specialist"
Eating Disorders and Awareness Prevention, Inc., "a national nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the awareness and prevention of eating disorders through education and community activism
Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc. "a non-profit organization that provides information ... includes details about recovery and prevention.
National Eating Disorder Information Centre - "a Toronto-based, non-profit organization, established in 1985"
Center for Eating Disorders, St. Joseph Medical Center, Towson, Maryland
Eating Disorders Assocation, in the United Kingdom
American Anorexia Bulimia Association
Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center, from the International Eating Disorder Referal Organization in Del Mar, California
Eating Disorder Recovery Online, from the Eating Disorder and Trauma Recovery Center in Tucson, Arizona
Real Women Project, "sculptures and poems portraying women of diverse size, shape and culture spanning eight decades of life," sponsored by the Athena Foundation
Sandra Susan Friedman, site related to the 1997 book When Girls Feel Fat: Helping Girls Through Adolescence, and "Eating Disorders Project North" in British Columbia
Resources for Change, by Jean Kilbourne, creator of the film "Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women
Eating Disorderes, Disordered Culture