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![]() | Thinking Sex: Across the Life Span Forum |
Comments are posted in the order in which they are received, with earlier postings appearing first below on this page. To see the latest postings, click on "Go to last comment" below.
Sex Across the Life Span Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2003-09-22 09:53:37 Link to this Comment: 6564 |
This week, while keeping language ALWAYS in mind (!?!)...we turn our attention to questions of particular to the matter of sex across the life span. We'll be hearing on Tuesday from Jeannie Gustafson and Justin Lee, who work with Big Brothers/Big Sisters in Norristown, and Thursday we'll be reading a variety of accounts of sex in childhood play, in middle schools and in nursing homes (shades of my joke about Parkinson's....)
What are your thoughts in reaction to these accounts, as they intersect with your own experiences, across the span of your own life (so far)?
causal sufficiency?? Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2003-09-23 16:12:19 Link to this Comment: 6598 |
The text I referred to in class today, as we were wrestling w/ questions of sexual education and the ability of those w/ more experience to "predict" what our own experience will be (as well as our resistence to such predictions) was a text we just read together in the Graduate Idea Forum: Carol Cleland's "Historical science, experimental science, and the scientific method," Geology: 29, 11 (November 2002): 987-990. Cleland's argument about the "time asymmetry of causation" draws on the work of philosopher David Lewis on the "asymmetry of overdetermination"--which is to say (far more briefly than either of them says it) that causes are traceable with far more certainty than are effects.
Name: Catherine Date: 2003-09-25 02:19:20 Link to this Comment: 6628 |
aggressive, sexual girls... Name: Sarah Date: 2003-09-27 01:27:15 Link to this Comment: 6647 |
In response to Catherine's question about the "right time" for women to have sex, I think that that is such a personal, individual decision--and it's a shame that for most young women there are so many outside factors that go into it (peer pressure, boyfriend pressure, lack of education/role models, the portrayal of very young-looking women as sex objects in the media, etc). It seems like the majority of those middle school girls that we read about aren't deciding to do it because it gives them pleasure but because it's the only way to negotiate between their fears of the consequences they've been lectured about in sex ed and the pressure of their peers to enter into sexual activity.
Finally, the point of view that oral sex isn't "real" sex is one that I held for a very long time...and it's only recently that I've even questioned it. Why is penetration the the be-all and end-all of sex anyway? Is it just because it's the heterosexual "norm"? (Is it?) Because that's the act that causes reproduction? Any ideas?
Language is a cracked kettle Name: Anne Dalke Date: 2003-09-29 10:17:56 Link to this Comment: 6670 |
This week's discussion will continue last week's (so I'm not starting up a new forum); please enter here your thinking-aloud as we talk through the implications of/enact scenarios of sex across the life span:
Remember that we'd all learn from hearing, in this place, your thinking aloud about such and related matters...
As inspiration and prod, find below two quotes from my friend Mark Lord, of the BMC Theater Department, who reminds me perpetually of the challenges (and ultimately: limits?) of what we are about:
"Language is a cracked kettle on which we bang out tunes to make the bears dance, when what we long for is to move the stars to pity."--Gustave Flaubert
"Sex in language?
That sounds even less comfortable than sex in a car."
Looking forward, tomorrow, to more of such dis-comfort--
Name: Ro. Finn Date: 2003-09-29 21:18:17 Link to this Comment: 6691 |
* about oral sex in middle school"
Reaction- gosh. Two polar thoughts still manage to collide in my brain (what does THAT say for the structure of my 'little grey cells!").
First, sex is only that which involves 'penetration'? Or only that which involves the prospect of reproduction? Hmm. Second thought is that, while it's a really clever reaction to trying to get on with growing up in an era rife with SDDs, it's interesting how the solution so conveniently serves the boys at the expense of the girls.
* about sex among the cognitively impaired in nursing homes:
Still thinking. There's the whole aspect of voyeurism...albeit in the name of making sure nobody gets hurt. I really enjoy privacy, so this is a tough one to imagine. As for them having sex, that aspect seems totally natural. It's the context, the surroundings and the 'tone' in which the article was written that feels unnatural to me.
* what were your reactions to Jeannie Gustafson's description of her work w/ the Sisters Program in Norristown?
Whenever I hear someone discuss such selfless and empowering work, I can hardly keep from leaping up to offer fund-raising services. Of course, it always boils down to how much can you get a society focused on another set of values to give to such altruistic activities? I keep trying to couch such arguments in bottom-line benefits in order to get the attention of people in shift their priorities in this sort of direction. I hope she is keeping statistics, that someone is really thinking about the fiscal and political issues of keeping the program alive.
As for teaching tolerance, as she explained her intent to do so, I think that you have to teach from the framework and perspective of the person you hope to affect...and grow from that point forward. If tolerance is more palatable than full acceptance, so be it. Start there. I trust her to know, because she is working/learning on that 'front line.' Having said that, it's good for her to have devil's challenge her own opinions before they become convictions.
See you guys tomorrow.
What is Sex, and why is it going on in middle scho Name: Grannis Date: 2003-09-30 03:06:50 Link to this Comment: 6701 |
At the time, I remember crying-- and then laughing to myself, since I realized the lack of maturity of my peers after reading a wonderful book called "Reviving Ophelia" by psychologist Dr. Mary Pipher. This book is a compilation of case studies of adolescent girls- and not surprisingly, if I recall correctly EVERY SINGLE ONE of these case studies involved sexuality in some way. We're talking about young girls here: age 12-17, for the most part, who are coping (often inefficiently and unsafely) with their adolescent sexual angst.
"The Secret Lives of Girls" strongly reminded me of this book, and I truly enjoyed reading it as I felt it was actually a relatively accurate description of what things were like in the sexual arena when I was in middle school.
What astonished me most while I was reading the piece were Lamb's observations on the social constructs of the "girl" gender, and the way that they both consciously and unconsciously affect a girl's development (not to mention the way she is taught and parented). It also opened my eyes to the healthiness of anger and aggression, and helped me to realize the irony of the (in my eyes) sickening "girl power movement".
It also seems like a lot of the language we use to describe girls, like "normal", "lesbian," "sweet,", etc. often create harsh 'insides and outsides.'
As for the articles, the ones I enjoyed most were those that dealt with the appearance of oral sex in middle school. I can vouch for the fact that this was extremely prevalent 4 years ago, when I was in school. And the ironic thing was that kids had oral sex so that they could retain their "virginity"--- all because of a foolish social definition of sex. Honestly, engaging in oral sex can lead to orgasms and STDs; what more does it take to have this act qualify as "real sex"?
Seems like we need to step back and redefine "sex"- or at least widen the breadth of practices encompassed by this term.
The Today Show Name: KB Date: 2003-09-30 12:34:34 Link to this Comment: 6713 |
I am an avid Today Show watcher. I love Katie Couric and Matt Lauer and Anne Currey. I always feel like they present such great stories about pop culture, literature, and news events. Last Wednesday I was eating my breakfast while watching the show and noticed that Katie Couric was interviewing a psychologist about dating amongst young girls, around ages 11-13. The psychologist was persistent in her views that parents need to educate their young children about date rape, abuse, and sexual violence. Katie Couric ended the segment by asking the psychologist to return to the show and talk about oral sex amongst middle schoolers.
I felt sick after watching that segment, which made me think "oh my gosh, this class is definitely affecting my views on sex." First of all, should 11 year olds be concerned with date rape?! I feel that the reading by Sharon Lamb is so applicable in this situation. Should parents instead be telling their daughters that it's OK to want to explore and learn about the sexuality of the opposite, or the same sex? Perhaps parents should tell their children that they have the ability to make choices, instead of telling them to be frightened while on a date with a boy in their class to a PG movie that they will be date raped.
Second, in terms of the presentation/discussion on Thursday, I found the Big Sisters program to be quite moving. I think in the grand scheme of things, looking past the fact that the parents were not really told why the kids were really chosen, this program is doing a lot of good. Having gone to a high school where so many of my fellow students could be catagorized as "at risk," I feel strongly that in many school districts, whether they want to or not, a school has to assume the role of a parent for many students since these students do not have anyone at home. If by assuming a role that so many of these girls' parents should be taking on themselves Big Sisters seems to overstepping their bounds, then I overstep away.
Name: Catherine Date: 2003-09-30 23:56:27 Link to this Comment: 6738 |
On another note ,
Today's discussion in class on Utopia brought up some interesting ideas. Some prompted me to think of excerpts from Madeleine L'Engle's "A Wrinkle in Time" and Ray Bradbury's "The Martian Chronicles," as well as shows such as The Smurfs, and Care Bears. These reminded me of what I would consider to be an attempt towards Utopia, because there is a lack of personal desire, for gain, in the residents of each of these communities. Whether or not there are happy emotions, and sad to balance them, these are not recognized personally by individuals, and so on the whole there is Utopia. In the fictional literature we mentioned today as depicting Dystopia, there were individuals who found that they did have personal feelings, desires, etc. and this created what they saw as a Dystopia in otherwise Utopic settings for everyone else. Only because the stories were told from their point of view did we see these worlds as imperfect.
In the same way, it seems to me as though adults cast children into the idea of living in Utopia, because in terms of sexuality, they are blissfully ignorant of (recognizing) their desires or identifying their feelings. In some ways, that is ideal, but in other ways, perhaps Dystopia, as the fictional books show, is better.
My cracked kettle banging Name: Garron Date: 2003-10-01 21:03:12 Link to this Comment: 6770 |
Anyway, I found last weeks readings so interesting . . .
Excerpts from Lamb's book:
While I found interviewees' stories interesting, I found Lamb's analysis of the interviews and even her premise for the book lacking. I felt that she continually made statements that she didn't back up. In addition, I felt like this book said too little for the time in which it entered the academic conversation regarding feminism, sexuality, girls etc. After all the gender and feminist literature that's been produced in the last forty years is it really groundbreaking to say that girls are sexual beings and they get mad? . . . Anyway, to end a long rant I wish she had let her interviews of girls and women stand on their own. One more thing, while The Secret Lives of Girls certainly did make me think back to my childhood and try to remember if I had any sex play, then by the end of my reading, like Catherine, I started to wonder if I was abnormal for because of my relative lack of it. Then I decided that it didn't matter, or rather, I didn't care.
Oral Sex and Middle School:
1) I was so pissed that the middle school principal in called in the girls' parents and not the boys. The double standard seemed almost too clichι to have actually happened.
2) I was extremely bothered by the move to criminalize middle school oral sex both by police officers and by the parents who found out their children had been participating in it. Whether oral sex that age is appropriate or not, I don't think the proper reaction to the situation is to arrest teenagers for having oral sex in a park, or putting your child under house arrest for engaging in oral sex.
Sex in one's golden years:
I was most excited by these articles. Personally I believe that understanding and accepting that every person is a sexual person is important. While addressing the ethics of sex acts with/by cognitively impaired senior citizens is worthwhile, I was more interested in learning about the sexual rights or lack there of, of cognitively sound elderly people. While I'm well aware that people often deny the sexuality of young people I've never given much thought to people denying the sexuality and sexual rights of senior citizens.
I'm sure that many adult children must face a situation where one elderly parent gets involved with a new person when they outlive their spouse. I wonder how much literature exists for addressing this issue. I'm also interested by what sounds like an extreme void in the nursing home industry when it comes to addressing the sexuality and sexual needs of their clients.
the solution to oral sex in middle school??? Name: Heather Date: 2003-10-02 03:11:13 Link to this Comment: 6774 |
What is sex? Name: Laura Date: 2003-10-04 20:29:59 Link to this Comment: 6794 |
Throwing out the notion that sex is heterosexual intercourse, what does that leave us with? Can sex be defined as stimulating and pleasurable touching/ words... ???
Is there such a thing as a sex-appropriate age? If sex is not intercourse, but includes both intercourse and outercourse, when do people start having sex? With whom? Is one's first sex partner their parents? Their siblings? Those touches are generally consentual as well as pleasurable and stimulating...
Can somebody else venture to answer my question? What IS sex?
regulating sexuality, especially young girls' Name: Jessie Date: 2003-10-05 15:37:05 Link to this Comment: 6796 |
I think the stern policing of young girls' sexuality relates directly to the importance of conditioning kids to maintain society's gender dynamics. Like Lamb said, men are brought up with this idea of unrestrained libido. And women are brought up with a contrary notion of denying all desire. (These antithesis motivations, by the way, remind me of the Greek myth "Daphne and Apollo" which interestingly involves a chase scene where the love-struck boy chases down the girl.) Since our society is pretty much erotophobic, we couldn't possibly allow men to live out their unbounded sexuality. So it's women's job to contain that sexuality through their consent. And it's necessary, in order for women to make good decisions, that they are objective about sexuality and thus have no desire of their own. If a woman takes on sexual agency, then, she's a threat to our civil society itself. This is why the principals in the oral sex articles called in only the girls for trouble. Because the girls, not the boys, were the ones threatening society's model of sexuality by failing to contain the boys' sexuality. (I don't actually condone girls performing fellatio in middle school it's really another manifestation of patriarchal sexual double standards but this does at least explain why the school authorities react the way they do.)
(By the way I read about the importance of women containing men's supposedly uncontrollable libido in an essay somewhere along the line - it's not exactly an original idea. I would totally cite the article, but I don't remember what it was... I'm tempted to say Adrienne Rich? but I'm sure a lot of feministy people have written about it.)
Random Thoughts..... Name: Megan Date: 2003-10-05 16:41:25 Link to this Comment: 6797 |
First, after reading the oral sex in middle school article I thought about my 15 year old brother and wondered what he's up to. At first I was really upset because I couldn't imagine my baby brother having oral sex with his girlfriend. However I remember what I was and wasn't doing at that age and quickly moved on. I realize now that I'm not as concerned that the practice is actually occurring, as I am concerned that it's not viewed as sex and therefore is not practiced safely. Can we thank Bill Clinton for this? I was upset but not surprised that the administrators in the school called the parents in to discuss the girls but not the boys.
Second, I wanted to comment on the guest speaker. While I think the program is extremely worthwhile, I think if you cannot honestly tell the girls and their parents why they were selected than you shouldn't be running the program. It's very deceptive and reminds of the practice of sterilizing women "for their own protection" without their consent. How can you have a honest discussion about sex, sexuality, and healthy choices when the organization itself isn't being honest?
I also wanted to mention a commercial for one of the daytime talk shows (Dr. Phil maybe?) I heard on TV last week. The topic was "Girls Growing More Aggressive---And How Do We Stop It". I assume they weren't talking about sexual aggression but I was still stuck by perceived gender roles. Girls can't be aggressive and they can't be sexual.
Lastly, I was glad that we discussed sex across the ages. I think we might like to act like our parents and grandparents aren't having sex but its not realistic. And it's not necessarily sex, but that they're expressing their sexuality and desire for pleasure. Rock on!
the great american fetish - CENSORSHIP Name: Ali Date: 2003-10-06 12:01:45 Link to this Comment: 6807 |
our jobs Name: Garron Date: 2003-10-08 23:48:54 Link to this Comment: 6855 |
Jessie articulated something for me; the girls weren't just getting in trouble for their sexual actions and/or desires, but also for failing to check the sexual actions and desires of boys. This observation of Jessie's answered my satiated my wonder as to why the girls got in more trouble than the boys at the middle school in the article. The situation wasn't just a manifestation of the idea that girls aren't supposed to be sexual, or want sex. I had a feeling something more was going on, and maybe that something more had to do with the "job" the girls were failing to perform by performing oral sex on the boys.
Her statement made me realize I feel as though society often assumes that man is supposed to try to go "further" and if he doesn't want to is something "wrong" with them. To try to get to the next "base" is the man or boy's "job." The girl or woman's job is to check the man's passions. How constricting for both genders.
I know I'm just sort of rehashing a bit of what Jessie said, but her statement resonated so strongly with me that I just had to say pontificate a bit.
Name: Laurel Date: 2003-10-09 01:27:45 Link to this Comment: 6857 |
I really enjoyed the Big Sisters presentation. Regardless of who has abandoned or labeled the young women in the program, the people of Big Sisters have recognized a need and are addressing it. One thing I realized from writing a sex curriculum for our second paper is how easy it is to criticize what's already in place with out making specific recommendations. We certainly shouldn't stop criticizing and questioning, but I like having the perspective of appreciating the work others are attempting.
Age-Appropriateness Name: Grannis Date: 2003-10-09 22:40:12 Link to this Comment: 6874 |
meh Name: Tia Date: 2003-10-17 00:23:29 Link to this Comment: 6903 |
Name: Anjali Date: 2003-10-17 08:42:40 Link to this Comment: 6904 |
Now let me get this straight...I actually don't believe there is anything wrong with a girl having sex (or a boy!) at whatever age she feels most comfortable. I think sex is for when you're ready be it 13 or 33, BUT I still think that its dangerous without understanding yourself or understanding both the pleasures and possible consequences. Anyway, to put it simply, I don't think people can truly be ready until they know all the facts about themselves and the act. Or at least all the major facts...but what are the major facts? I don't know. I don't even know if this makes any sense.
I do want to say that I think this program is fantastic. Like Laurel said, she found a need and she's filling it. Sure, it won't be perfect, but just like we discussed with sex education and teaching people, you can't ever have a perfect program or curriculum for a group of people, even if they have similiar lives, backgrounds, etc. The program needs to be malleable, which it does seem to be...and it needs to be able to address problems as they arise. I also trust that Jeannie knows these girls very well and, like Tia commented, maybe tolerance is the best way to teach them about things like homosexuality.
So that presentation was really interesting to me. I think the work Big Sisters is doing is fantastic, maybe not perfect, but this isn't a perfect world....