2006 Off Campus Research Awardees

(5 - BMC Students)

Bhumika Patel (Chemistry)

To Examin the Relationship between Structure and Activity for Inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH) Inhibitors.

Mentor: Dr. Bruce S. Burnham (Rider University)

Marissa Patterson (Biology)

The Effects of Doxycycline on Cardiac and Non-cardiac Beta2AR Expression

Mentor: Andrew J. Patterson, M.D., Ph.D. (Stanford University School of Medicine Department of Anesthesia. Division of Critical Care Medicine.)

Milena Redzic (Biology and Mathematics)

Correlation between NOD2/CARD15 and TNF- gene mutations and the clinical manifestations of Crohnís disease.

Mentor: Sonja Pavlovic, Ph.D., Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Aditi Vashist (Mathematics and Physics)

Research at the Summer Institute of Mathematics at Cornell University

Mentor: Robert S. Strichartz Ph.D. (Cornell University, Mathematics)

Nicki Zelenski (Biology)

Optimal Neuropeptide Concentration for Cell Proliferation and Matrix Expression.

Mentor: Dr. Ray Vanderby (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical School)

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