I am currently an undecided freshman at
Bryn Mawr College but have been progressively becoming
more interested and involved with the way in which both
Science and Mathematics are being represented to the
children of our future. To satisfy this interest of
mine, I tutored students in math after school throughout
my high school education. At Bryn Mawr I have completed
the Biology 103 course, Basic Concepts which emphasizes
the importance of observation and experimentation for
people to gain an interest in scientific credibility.
I have also taken it upon myself to attend the bi-weekly
discussions among college and K-12 teachers and students
about the elementary science curriculum during the fall.
As of this semester, I am enrolled in Professor Donnayís
Changing Science and Mathematics Pedagogies Education
praxis course. I want to continue this year getting
a firsthand look on how difficult it is for an instructor
to ëteachí young individuals science accurately
and math!interestingly. With both this pre and post
involvement in the academic experience inside the classroom
through the K-12 Summer Institute Outreach Program,
I hope to gain a more concrete appreciation for teachers
and at the same time insight on how to better the methodologies
they use for effective teaching.
(saved as pdf)