Topic: Inquiry, Interaction, and Technology

This forum area is for participants in the
Inquiry, Interaction, and Technology program at Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and the University of Pennsylvania. Others interested in commenting on issues in Education and Technology are invited to do so in our general Science Education forum.

Comments are posted in the order in which they are received, with earlier postings appearing first below on this page. To see the latest postings, click on "Go to last comment" below.

To post a comment, you should click on "Post a comment" below. This will bring up, in a separate window, a form in which you can either type your comments or paste them from some other word-processing program, and a set of instructions for using the form. Whether you are typing or pasting, you need to be aware that (as it says in the posting window, along with the other instructions), the posting program "treats your material as an HTML document". If this means nothing to you, the only thing you need to know at the moment is that the posting program will ignore "white space", such as tabs and carriage returns. If your comment consists of only one paragraph, there is no problem; type or paste as you always would. If you want to separate two paragraphs, however, you will need to type in <p> at the end of each paragraph or all paragraphs will run together.

Comments are not actually posted until you click on "Post comments" in the posting window. If you decide not to post, you can simply close the posting window and nothing further will happen. If you want to see what your comment will look like before you post it, you can do that by clicking on "Review for editing" in the posting window. You can then make any modifications you want and, when satisfied, click on "Post comments".

The posting program recognizes all HTML tags, so feel free to use any you know about and want to use (but please use the "review for editing" function to be sure you're using tags correctly, since improper tag use may affect not only your posting but all subsequent ones). The "review for editing" option also makes it possible to use the posting window to learn about the effects of HTML tags and practice their use (write, using HTML tags, and "review for editing", to see what it looks like, as many times as you want; just don't click on "Post comments"). A brief introduction to HTML and basic glossary of HTML tags are available from the posting window.

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Name: Aliya
Subject: learning how to "html"
Date: Fri Jul 14 12:56:09 EDT 2000
I am trying to do the following:

learn how to do a web page