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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.


Tuesday morning, 24 July

A LONG day yesterday, lots of new (?) stuff ... science, life, brain = behavior, differences in brains, differences a good thing. What did it make you think, wonder, worry about?

Gladys M. Baskerville Dimner Beeber Middle School Perhaps brain differences because of experiences?
Patrice J. BraxtonFitzsimons Middle School
Karen CohenAbraham Lincoln High School
Robert A. ColeDimner Beeber Middle School
Sylvia CooperC.W. Henry Middle SchoolLaw and Order: man who committed murder when didn't take medicine
Christeena MathewsPhiladelphia High School for Girls
John DaltonAbraham Lincoln High SchoolDifferences in brains not a good thing.?
Pamela T. HarrisHill-Freedman Middle School
Bertha May HensonPhiladelphia High School for Girls
Randal HollyFitzsimons Middle SchoolCould brain differences be used to oppress people?
Sharon P. LeeCW Henry School
Janet P. MiddletonLewis Middle School
Susannah StarkweatherPhiladelphia High School for Girls
Regina ToscaniBenjamin Rush Middle SchoolWill part of brain but brain bigger than will. People who use drugs, are depressed, can''t stop it.
Nayjuana WoodberryLewis Middle SchoolInterested in Bob's example of person with only brain stem, what could she do?

Can learn a far amount just by looking at brains from outside. But what's INSIDE? How do they WORK?

To get less wrong: start where one is and ...


Does this help us understand the actual nervous system?


Does THAT help us think about behavior?

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