My educational philosophy stems on the premise that all students can learn. Each child comes to school with his or her own set of experiences on which to build upon. In addition, some of our students have learning disabilities and/or behavior disorders that must be accomodated. Concerning behavior disorders, most of us are familiar with the commonly diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). However, another behavioral disorder that presents otself quite frequently is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Thus, it would benefit any teacher to familiarize himself/herself with ODD Facts, including symptoms, causes, outcomes and possible treatments. Believe it or not -We can love and teach these wonderful children too!! ODD is sometimes confused with Conduct Disorder. However, the DMV-IV sights repetition of key behaviors as a primary characteristic of ODD, while a sustained pressence of key behaviors is sighted as a primary characteristic of Conduct Disorder. For an in depth delineation of the differences between CD and ODD considers these disorders in teens.
If your profession finds you working with a much younger population, then the Disney Encyclopedia of Childrens Health
would give relevant information on ODD as it relates to toddlers and primary aged children. Lastly, what can parents do to keep their sanity and help their children in school. There are parent training and psychotherapy programs available to help those with ODD children (PARENT HELP).
In summary, ODD children comprise a significant part of the student population. Now you have moved closer to getting around yet another obstacle in teaching and learning.