Teaching Two Models of Origin: Evolution and Creation

by Charles Foster and Lois Mackey

Teaching Origins

Evolution Lesson

Creation Lesson


Please read and respond to the statements below. Circle the letter of the statement with which you most agree. (Only circle one letter for each set of statements)

  1. a. Science is learning and studying facts and information.

    b. Science is a way of understanding the world.

    c. Science is doing different kinds of experiments in a lab.

  2. a. Science can be used to prove anything.

    b. Science really cannot prove anything.

    c. Science cannot absolutely prove anything.

  3. a. Scientists take a very good guess(hypothesis) and then try to

    prove that hypothesis.

    b. Scientists have to closely and directly observe and constantly

    retest their experiments and observations.

    c. Scientists have to carefully examine and decide which evidence

    they can use.

  4. a. Evolution is a theory that states man's original ancestors were

    apes and they apes slowly changed into humans over millions of


    b. Evolution is a theory that states various kinds of plants,

    animals, and humans are descended from other kinds that lived

    millions of years ago.

    c. Evolution is a theory that all scientists have studied, tested

    and believe.

  5. a. Creationism is a theory that states that a supernatural supreme

    being(God) created various kinds of plants, animals, and humans

    that slowly evolved over millions of years into different life


    b. Creationism is a theory that religous people believe because of

    their belief in a supernatural supreme being(God) more than

    scientific evidence.

    c. Creationism is a theory that states that matter, all life forms

    (plants, animals, humans), and the world were created out of

    nothing by a supernatural being(God).


  6. a. The origins of life(how life began) can be expained by science.

    b. The origins of life can be explained by evolution.

    c. The origins of life can be explained by creation.