PPT Slide
- ìFemales like to argue with you Ö they donít know when to shut up sometimes.î
- ìFemales like to rely on a man.î ìWomen always want to rush a commitment in a relationship.î
- ìGirls are more emotionally outspokenóthey cry easily or talk about the way they feel as soon as they experience it.î
- ìWomen are naturally delicate, sensitive and compassionateÖthey are different emotionally because their bodies go through many changes: puberty, menstruation, childbirth, menopause.î
- ìIn matters of sexuality, women are clearly not equal to menÖ.unfortunately the ëdouble standardí is still very much alive and Ö prevents women from being equal to men in society.î
- ìWomen are more self conscious about their looks and how they measure up.î
- ìWomen have always been considered the ëbaby-makersí, stay at home, cook and clean, ëgood for nothingí else housewives. Somehow this got defined as the inferior role.î
- Women have proved themselves equal in intelligence, versatility, endurance, and even physical strength in their careers in society.î