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Photos & Places

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My Photos

Erik's photos

Schools I'm Attending:

San Jose El Viejo, Antigua, Guatemala

La Hermandad Educativa, Xela, Guatemala

Universal de Idiomas, San Jose, Costa Rica

Escuela Español Interactivo, Valparaíso, Chile

Background Information on Sites I'm Visiting, Talks I'm Hearing, Events I'm Attending... In Guatemala:
The Museum of Raúl Vásquez: Otra víctima de Stan, in Panajachel,Guatemala
(same story in English)

Hijos de Maíz/Children of Corn

In Costa Rica:
El Bosque Eterno de los Niños (Children’s Eternal Rainforest)

Reserva Biológica Bosque Nuboso Monteverde (Monteverde Cloudforest Reserve)

"The Ethnographic study of a Quaker Community" by Marian Howard (1989)


Santa Elena Cloud Reserve

The Frog Pond, Monteverde

The Butterfly Garden, Monteverde

The Monteverde Institute

Cloud Forest School/Centro de Educacion Creativa Monteverde, Costa Rica

Talari Mountain Lodge near San Isidro

Paraiso del Quetzal, 70 km. from San Jose

Casa Ridgway

In Chile:
Casa Aventura, Valparaíso

Residencia en el Cerro, Valparaíso

La Festividad de la Inmaculada Concepción en Lo Vásquez.

Observatorio Cerro Mamalluca

Fundacíon de Valparaíso

Isla Negra

La Sebastiana

La Carnaval Cultural

Books I'm reading:
About Guatemala

Ak'abal, Humberto. Poems I Brought Down from the Mountain. Trans. Miguel Rivera and Robert Bly. (1999).
Asturias, Miguel Angel. The Mirror of Lida Sal: Tales Based on Mayan Myths & Guatemalan Legends 1967; trans. Gilbert Alter-Gilbert (1997).
Bowles, Jane. "A Guatemalean Idyll." The Complete Stories.
Bowles, Paul. Up Above the World. (1966).
Brazaitis, Mark. The River of Lost Voices: Stories from Guatemala. (1998).
Huxley, Aldous . Beyond the Mexique Bay: A Traveller's Journal (1934).
Menchú, Rigoberto. I, Rigoberto Menchú: An Indian Woman in Guatemala. Ed. Elisabeth Bugop-Debray. Trans. Ann Wright. (1983).
Monterrose, Augusto. “Faith and Mountains." The Black Sheep and Other Fables (1969).
Morales, Mario Ropbert. Face of the Earth, Heart of the Sky. (2000).
Popul Vuh, The Mayan Book of the Dawn of Life and the Glories of Gods and Kings (trans. Dennis Tedlock, 1985).
Rey Rosa, Rodrigo. The Beggar’s Knife. Trans. Paul Bowles. (1985).
Books About Costa Rica: Guidon, Lucille, Martha Moss, Marvin Rockwell, John Trostle and Sue Trostle, eds. Monteverde Jubilee Family Album. Asociación de Amigos de Monteverde. (2001).

Gutierrez, Joaquín. Cocorí. (1947; 2002).

Pañalba, Carlos Genie. Aquí es donde estaremos (1988).

Ras, Barbara, ed. Costa Rica: A Traveler’s literary Companion. (1994).

Books About Chile: Chile: A Traveler's Literary Companion, ed. Katherine Silver (2003).

Donoso, José. The Obscene Bird of Night. (1970).

Dorfman, Ariel. Death and the Maiden.

Muñoz, Manuel Peña. Dreaming Valparaíso.(2005).

Parra, Nicanor. Anti-Poetry.

Skármeta, Antonio. The Postman.

What is Secret: Stories by Chilean Women, ed. Marjorie Agosín (1995).

Books About The World Beyond...: Greene, Brian. The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time and the Texture of Reality (2004).

Phillips, Julie. James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon. (2006)

Tiptree, James, Jr. Her Smoke Rose Up Forever.

Some homework projects: Las historias de nuestros hijos
La historia de la vida permanente
La historia de la vida impermamente y anhelante
Me gusta la excursión a Panajachel
La caminata subio el cerro de la cruz
La terea para los cumpleaños de Sam
Acerca de Flori
Homework for Brenda @ PLQ
Our graduation performance @ PLQ
Diary of First Week in Monteverde
Diary of First Weekend in Monteverde
Projects Where Marian is Working:
Project Safe Passage in Guatemala City

Finca Amanecer in Quepos, Costa Rica

Finca Ecologica El Zopilote on Isla de Ometepe, Nicaragua