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¿ Behind the walls...?

Anne Dalke's picture
How much is hidden behind these walls in Antigua?

We have begun to buy newspapers regularly (makes for lots of hilarity on the street corner, since our Spanish is quite terrible). This week we read in the newspaper that Antigua was hosting a conference for indigenous delegates from the governments of 23 countries. The next day, the delegates published a proclamation in the newspaper. But we had seen no evidence of their activity anywhere in the city, in the streets ….

“Experimenting with human design”

Anne Dalke's picture

I’m grateful to have friends who listen to my musings, and muse back again….quite striking to me yesterday was the juxtaposition of Ann’s comment about the “parochial nature of life”—> that is, the necessity (given the limits of space and time) to attend to what is deeply personal to us, and Shaye’s interest in hearing me “speak from my heart,” along her concomitant disinterest in quotations from others....

And yet. And yet.

robot brain evolution

Kathy Maffei's picture
I submitted my final project html, but I don't see where they are going to be available for viewing. I hope a link is added so I read them all. Since a couple of people asked me to post the code from my project so they could fiddle with the robots, I posted my final project page (with links to the code) in my public folder. Hopefully, there's all the info you'd need to run it. Happy evolving!

Encouraging continuing emergence ...

PaulGrobstein's picture

does emergence matter?

Flora Shepherd's picture
Earlier on in the semester, doug wrote "I think the study of "emergence" can be seen as a luxury topic. People may see it as non-critical, and do not see it as a field of inquiry that will immediately solve real problems. (I beg to differ). I suspect that the few women and other underrepresented groups are attracted, first, to the major topics, and slowly diffuse into "fringe" areas." This sentiment rang all too true to me. Emergence may attempt to explain and describe the physical world, but constructing computer models does not feel like solving everyday problems. It feels like playing games.