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thanks, plus

Anne Dalke's picture

I was very moved by our conversation out in that chilly garden today -- and moved by Madi's vision of our "re-claiming" that site, of  Thomas's private display of wealth, for a discussion of the environment, racism and social justice...

Coupla things came up that I wanted to follow up on:

I mentioned several articles which I'd found useful in trying to make sense of the reaction to the bombings in Beirut and Paris;
see the essays by Rene Girard, David Wong, and Mark LeVine.
Also, several of you spoke about East Asian students' understanding of the "virtue of silence"; you might want to read Heejung S. Kim and Hazel Rose Markus' essay, "Speech and Silence; an Analysis of the Cultural Practice of Talking" (which I've just added to our protected file of readings for this class).

Looking forward to our next meeting,