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Comparing Oreskes/Conway and Jensen/McMillan comparison

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Comparing Oreskes/Conway and Jensen/McMillan 



The Collapse of Civilization 

  • Addresses how people in Western Civilization have known about global warming but haven’t done anything about it 

  • Relates to present day- Carbon threshold was met but still no significant changes have happened [Symbol] makes this situation seem more possible to happen to earth 

  • Set in the year 2093- The date is believable and foreseeable by this generation 

  • Young people will be alive at this point 

  • Older people can envision their children, grandchildren etc alive at this time. 

  • Fossil fuel and oil corporations denying climate change and global warming 

  • People believe in what they say, conformity 

  • Government involvement- the president that didn’t believe in climate change 

  • Satirical 

  • The relationship between capitalism and environmental impact 

  • Neo liberalism- role of individual and role of corporation 


As the World Burns  

  • Exaggerated- makes message better understood 

  • Focuses on the individual and how it’s ridiculous to put all the blame and responsibility on the individual, corporations play a big role as well 

  • Hold the gov’t responsible (how they deal with corporations and regulate) 

  • Distract the public 

  • If the problem isn’t acknowledged it can’t be resolved (connection to Collapse of Civilization- President denies global warming) 

  • Consumption and corporation greed- care about maintaining the economy more than preserving the earth’s resources) 

  • Use of visuals 

  • Powerful and engaging 

  • Less dialogue heavy 

  • Animals[Symbol] sympathy 

  • i.e. polar bear swimming toward ice that isn’t there 

  • Comic book 

  • Childish, satire, exaggerated[Symbol] kind of how you explain things to kids so they better understand 

  • Targeted audience 

  • Could be both young and older people, kids old enough to understand satire (don’t take it too seriously) 

  • Still acknowledges that it is important that individuals are still environmentally friendly