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The pale, somewhat confused looking little avatar I chose is actually a character from a music video called FML by the female rapper K.flay. Hopefully everyone knows what fml means, but for those who don't it is an acronym for "Fuck my life". The song itself is about those little terrible moments that compliment the greater things that are simetaneously occuring. K.flay described it as having a hangover while on tour. She woke up one morining with a horrible headache and immediatley said fml because at that moment she felt miserable. however she remembered why she even she had the hangover. She was on tour, in europe with some of her favorite people in the world. The song's chorus actually goes "Fuck my life, I love my life". It was kind of my anthem in my senior year of highschool. I was/am closeted to my parents, kept having horrible crushes on unnobtainable people, was moving down in rank every semester, I got my first c, basically life sucked socially and acdemically. However I had made it into this wonderful college and would be leaving my homophobic parents behind. So although I knew there were aspects of my life that were less than desirable I kept my chin up and now I'm here and I completley agree with K.flay, "I love my life".