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LiquidEcho's picture

Hi, so I used LiquidEcho as my username because I though it represented the fluidity of both my identity and my opinions. As humans, we are continuously molded by the people we meet, the things we read, and the environment we are surrounded by. It is an undisputable fact that I have been influenced by the various people/things in my life. Despite this, I am my own person. I am a human being born with an intellect that allows me to form my own opinions and create new ideas. So, while the ideas and opinions that I hold echo others', they are also a reflection of the fluid nature of the individual.


Similarity, I chose my avatar as a piece of Jack Storms' works because I believe it symbolizes the beauty and diverseness of the individual. As a piece of art the cube is bound to be looked at in different ways by different people. Adding to its complex nature is the fact that its color and shape are constantly changing depending on how you look at it, the environment it is in, and  how it is held. If you factor in the precision and time that it took to make this glass sculpture, this sculpture ascends the level of a simple piece of art to a representation of society and identity. I believe that this is representative of not only my changing identity, but also the beauty of the unknown/the future.