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Notes on Chapter 13- The Thing With Feathers

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Chapter 13-  The Thing With Feathers

  • San Diego Zoo
  • Vials in a lab of what is left of the poouli bird from Maui which is extinct. The zoo tried to breed the three remaining birds on earth but only were able to capture one which later died- dodo bird
  • Vials like these are kept alive in the “Frozen Zoo”- largest collection of species on ice
  • Author reflects on all the other endangered species that will soon be saved in Frozen zoos like the poouli if environmental damages continue
  • “Isn’t the whole point of trying to peer into the future so that, seeing dangers ahead, we can change course to avoid them?” “humans can be destructive and shortsighted”- page 261
  • Endangered Species Act 1974
    • California condors were saved. Scientist created puppets to “mother” chicks: taught them to avoid power lines, not to eat trash. Vaccinated condors to keep them from getting sick and dying
    • Whooping crane- pilots fly ultralight aircrafts to teach crane chicks how to migrate from Wisconsin to Florida
    • The authors argument “Wouldn’t it be better, practically and ethically, to focus on what can be done…, rather than to speculate gloomily about the future in which the biosphere is reduced to little plastic vials?” page 266


  • Describing a bird at the zoo that wouldn’t mate with anyone because it had been in captivity for too long, can repeat the sound of human speech… gave a crow a handjob- what humans are willing to do to preserve a species
  • Walter Alvarez “We’re seeing right now that a mass extinction can be caused by human beings” page 266
  • The world is changing rapidly due to humans and other species can’t keep up because the lack “our restlessness, our creativity, our ability to cooperate to solve problems and complete complicated tasks” page 266
  • Sixth Extinction caused solely by humans
  • Humans are putting themselves in survival danger by cutting down trees, polluting etc., we can be another victim of the sixth extinction