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KatarinaKF's picture

The saying goes that when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade. But I like to say that when life hands me Taekwondo boards, I break them.

Taekwondo has made me who I am today. I consider myself a confident, friendly, and optimistic young woman.

I used to be reserved and afraid of making mistakes. Taekwondo has taught me to learn from my mistakes. We should not put ourselves down or think we are not intelligent when we make mistakes. Instead, we learn must from our mistakes on our journey. When someone kicks you down in sparring, you get right back up and fight. The key to conquering life's challenges is to believe in oneself.

In the photo, I was beaming because I just earned my Second Degree Black Belt. Earning my First Degree Black Belt was wonderful but earning my Second Degree was incredible! Breaking four three-quarter inch boards with a Back Kick wasn't easy, but it was worth it.

Now as I embark on a strange and exciting new chapter in my life, I take the lessons I have learned to guide me on my journey. Harness your inner strength to persevere and succeed. And most importantly, never give up.