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All Over Creation

All Over Creation

mpatny's picture

I agree with Green about the novel All Over Creation by Ruth Ozeki. At the beginning, it was so easy to dislike Yumi for leaving her family, even though her parents loved her so much. But as soon as I got to the part where she gave her own opinions about what happened, I started to change my perspective. I understood that she felt competely trapped in this small town. I really enjoy reading this novel. It really tells the reader about the history of the characters and how they all feel about the situation. Each character seems to have an important background that is compeletely developed. I really love how the book changes perspectives so often. It makes me feel like I can actually get the full feel of each of the characters in their own voices and it does not seem like an outsider is describing them. I really want to know what happens next, with Yumi and her parents. 

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