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Leigh Alexander's picture

I honestly had no expectations for this novel except vague feelings of future indifference, and I'm happy to report that this is not at all the case.  Ozeki's complex style of narration and non-linier story line really builds interest for me.  It makes it a page turner.  I'm so into this book, and I appreciate it both from a writer and a reader's perspective. It's so rich, in poetic style, imagery, and vivid similes and in story.  Her unique use of non-chronological vignettes is impressive to study as both a writing technique and a mode of engaging the reader, making him or her desire to hear more. The characters are so real to me, maybe it also helps that this novel happens to have a really good reader in my audiobooks, but more than that, the characters are so masterfully developed through their own dialogue, which, in my mind, gives as untainted a portrait of a character as a reader of a novel could ask for. This book is funny, it's heart-wrenchingly sad (those letters though-- I teared up), and it is just so … good. I’m so pleasantly surprised, and I can’t wait to see where else it will go.