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So, I went out to go experience the woods behind English house, Morris Woods to be exact, and at first I was very apprehensive. I did not want to go, and as I was making my way there, I felt even more unhappy about what I had to do. I went today, Monday, November 3, and as you all know the whether was actually pretty nice. when I first arrived I didn't went to go far. I actually stood at the beginning of the pathway I took and though, "This is far enough." But, I don't know what it was, maybe curiosity, that made me go further in. And as I did I began to relax and venture deeper in. I didn't sit in a tree or on the ground because I am still not that comfortable with the outdoors, but I did relax and stand on one of the stones in the pathway that I was walking and took a deep breath. It was very relaxing. I wanted to go further but after feeling like I kept seeing things move in my peripheral vision, I stopped. But, one thing that did strike my attention was what appeared to be a man made pathway. I couldn't figure out why along this pathway there was this really giant tree that was chopped down and left there. It couldn't have fallen and broken in half from natural causes because the cut that separated the trunk from the stump was too clean and neat. I just dint understand why someone would cut it and leave it there. It didn't even seem like it would be in the path of the walk way made due to how the stump was off to the side. Other observations that I made was that there were some plants that I questioned whether or not it grew there naturally because there were some plant pot remnants out in the woods. Surprisingly it was a good experience. So good that I even decided to sit outside and write this posting...which is something very out of the ordinary for me.