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Response to mpatney

Response to mpatney

gmchung's picture

I love how you relate Yumi to Lloyd's potato! You might want to find examples in the text that you can use to support the argument of Lloyd treating Yumi as his potato. You also might want to find an example that supports how Yumi's role as a potato is transfered over to Cass. 

I also love how you find a relationship between Yumi's role as the Indian princess and Yumi's adult "exotic" lifestyle. I think the chemicals are speculated to be the cause of Cass' infertility, but I am not sure if the text ever says that it is the exact reason. However, I love how you relate Cass' eating of geneticially modified potatoes to her modification. 

You might want to think if Cass really does barely change. Cass has changed physically, but does she change in other ways? 










