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Exhibit Access

ekrasnow's picture

As I mentioned in my previous post, physicla accessibility is a huge problem in the KINSC. There is no way to get to Zubrow without taking stairs or an elevator, even though it is theoretically on the ground floor when entering from Sharpless. Due to the rennovation that will be happening in Sharpless, I think it would be best the stear everyone in through the rotunda and avoid using Sharpless all together. From the rotunda entrance we need clear signage for those looking for an elevator as well as those who will take the stairs. Signs directing individuals to the bathrooms, water fountains, exhibit, and quiet space, should be at the elevator exit as well as the top of the stairs.

Rachel Simon's Talk: Accessible and Faultless

mheffern's picture

The manner in which Rachel Simon wove in pictures into her presentation was fascinating. We have been talking a lot in my Black Arts Movement Class about poems that are meant to be read allowed in a group as opposed to silently by oneself, and the structure of her presentation reminded me of this dynamic in that the pictures added another dimension to her written work. It was also very cool to hear at the end that these pictures were drawn by people with and without disabilities.

Week Twelve: Access

Kristin's picture


1) Talk by Brian Heffernan, public speaker and advocate

Brian's website:

2) Read Carmen Papalia, “A New Model for Access in the Museum”

3) See links below to the guidelines offered by two high-profile, mainstream arts & exhibition spaces. Just browse these guidelines, checking out what interests you. Smaller arts organizations are often at the cutting edge of access, but the big organizations are generally the ones that produce guidelines.