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Cool Disability Stuff

Disability Awareness Month more this week....

nbarker's picture

Just an FYI for you all!

Can't wait to see you at the talk in a little under an hour!

This Wednesday, Prof. Leslie Rescorla is giving a talk on evidence-based strategies for coping with depression & anxiety at BMC. FB event here:

Thursday night I'm hosting a screening of FIXED: the Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement. It's a fantastic documentary about the intersection of disability and technology.

Friday, I'm going to be giving a talk at BMC in Dalton 119 from 12-1:30 (lunch provided) called "Illness, Impairment, Injury: Complicating What Disability Means". Here's the blurb:

BioArt Talk!!!

lindsey's picture

Hi All,

As we mentioned in class yesterday, Sarah and I will be giving a talk about our experience with the BioArt project as part of Disability Awareness Week on Tuesday April 19th (next week) at 4:30 pm.  We would LOVE it if you all could attend- we are hoping to have an informal discussion after we present our own experiences and your reflections and experiences would be greatly appreciated! See the attached flyer for more info.


Race, disability, and shame

nbarker's picture

While there are many threads that weave into a complex tapestry for our discussion this week, there's one particular thread I'm seeing interwoven in many of these readings: that of shame. Disability, especially intellectual and mental disability more generally, is something that far too many cultures regard as shameful. This we see in Esther's work, and in too many other places. It's all too common a practice to "hide away your defectives"--in institutions in the modern day, for instance, but all across Western history. Our readings for today somewhat show that this is present in other cultures, too, but the influence of Western conceptions of disability are ever-present.