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"Home is a Place with Purpose"

"Home is a Place with Purpose"

Anne Dalke's picture

Such a striking formulation (and summation!) of Piya here....

And I'm struck by your focusing on her declaration that she has found a home.  Later on in The Ecological Thought,Timothy Morton writes,

"Fixation on place impedes a truly ecological view" (26).

"...we want ecology to be about location, location, location. In particular, location must be local: it must feel like home; we must recognize it and think it in terms of the here and now, not the there and then" (27).

"Perhaps the ecological thought is picaresque—wandering from place to place, open to random encounters" (48).

"Ecological collectivity decisively can’t be rooted in 'place'....'my place in the sun' marks the beginning of all usurpation. 'Place' contains too much “at-homeness,” too much finality, for the ecological thought. Localism, nationalism, and immersion in the ideological bath of the lifeworld, won’t cut it anymore… collectivity, not community….it must be " (127).

So, being too certainly @ home (having too fixed a purpose?) is not ecological....?


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