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AquamarineAura's picture

***this is a retroactive posting of my writings/thoughts during one of our very first classes on January 20th. We went into Morris Woods and were told to observe and then write down words/phrases/thoughts when we returned to the classroom. What I find most interesting is how my definition of "strange" hasn't changed all that much over teh course of the semester despite how much I've thought about it.***

-          little black bird so determined to knock off the bark but what does he expect to find? Not bugs?

-          Wide flat mushrooms

-          Snowdrops hiding under mulch

-          Frost on logs, moss

-          Seemed very bare at first b/c last saw it in fall (dense w/ leaves)

-          Groundcover (pachysandra)

-          High pitched busy birds chattering

Natural = not man made; created by nature; or socially constructed; biological, instinctive skill, innate, wild

Unnatural = domesticated; selected (for aesthetic); implanted or imported; manufactured or manipulated (usually by people); out of place; awkward

Strange = other than the normal à depends on the reference frame; can become a value judgement