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Persepolis and Westernization

Persepolis and Westernization

rb.richx's picture

I also was really interested in the Westernization piece. It seems almost like one of those, 'let's tell the story of the percieved Bad Guy and turn it into something where they're shown in a different light and not actually evil' stories (though they aren't actually Western, so definitely the comparison isn't even close to exact), because Western imperialism is a Bad Guy. Anyway, autonomy was really interestingly tied with Westernized things. But I suppose then I wonder - is communism, anarchism, and other such movements automatically Western when there is freedom concerned?


Somewhat unrelated: I wondered about the table. I focused on the section titled Persepolis, and the best I could come up with was that the novel is named by the same title because it is when she learned to love reading and get something out of it... And we as readers may also have a similar experience? I dunno. Any help here?

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