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White People by smalina and rebeccamec

rebeccamec's picture

"We have to work on our own racism"

Racism does not belong to me

I am doing good in saying this


"After all, white people are responsible"

Responsibility is not easily or evenly divided

Division demonstrates what’s “yours” and what’s “mine”

What’s “mine” and what’s “yours” defines racism


"So we shouldn’t expect women of color to help us"

We must help ourselves to understand what doesn’t affect us

This must affect our limited perception of a post-racism world of colorblindness


"Or to show us where we are wrong"

We are wrong in having this expectation

Expectation is an active process, while what we do is inherently passive


"Or tell us what to do"

Doing is what makes all the difference

Difference does not happen overnight, nor is it the product of one person


Quotes from p. 49 of Minnie Bruce Pratt's "Identity: Skin Blood Heart" in Yours in Struggle