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Monica and David reactions

Monica and David reactions

abby rose's picture

Monica and David was such a sweet film, and I did appreciate how it gave a humanizing look into the lives of two adults with Down Syndrome. Typically in popular culture, individuals with Down's are rarely shown in loving relationships or with jobs or having dreams. In the film, Monica and David had all of these and they had the same concerns as most other 30-somethings in the US (marriage, financial stability, children, etc.) Monica and David displayed more self-sufficiency than I expected, as they were much more driven by their own desires than I anticipated. At the same time, I was also very aware of and made slightly uncomfortable by how Monica and David's parents treated them like children. However, since this was only one couple's story I didn't know if Maria Elena and Bob's treatment of Monica and David was necessary or standard. 

Additionally, like Sunshine, I was very aware throughout the whole film of the financial privilege that Monica and David had and the incredible support that Maria Elena and Bob were able and willing to provide. Very few people, and I assume even fewer people with Down Syndrome, have people in their lives that are willing to devote their time and energy and money to them. Parents in the US support their children like that when they can, but generally up to a point. Maria Elena mentioned several times that Monica is her life, and everything she does she does for her. Most adults don't have someone who loves them to buy them apartments, provide them transportation, financially support them, live with them in their home, coach them through difficult life decisions, wake them up in the mornings, and basically assist them through every step of their lives. At one point, someone in the film (maybe Monica?) mentioned that if Monica and David were to have a child, then Maria Elena and Bob would take care of it primarily. That is serious devotion and, like I said before, a great majority of people in the world do not have that kind of support system in their lives. That being said, I thought it was really touching that Monica and David were in fact able to live the lives that they wanted to lead because of the emotional and financial support Maria Elena and Bob could provide (Maria, David's mom, too). 


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