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Mantrafesto by rosea and Hummingbird

abby rose's picture

This is the Mantrafesto by rosea and hummingbird – We wrote this by pulling on direct quotations from Pratt and Clare. We wanted to examine the ways Bryn Mawr has both shifted and remained the same regarding its community and exclusivity. The lines in which words are bracketed may be read both with and without the bracketed word. This is predominantly a found poem. 


Past: we were women

women who were in a position of material advantage

advantage at the expense of others

other women --

women who did not have a degree

a degree of safety, comfort, community.


Community at odds with skin, blood, heart: identity

identities complex

complexified now, as always, by gender

gender reaching into disability;

disability wrapping around class;

class straining against abuse;

abuse snarling into sexuality;

sexuality folding on top of race.


Racing to prove

prove we embody diversity

diversity is not [always] acceptance

acceptance is not [always] present.


Present: we are [no longer] passing

passing by hiding parts of ourselves

selves who are searching

searching for a place of mutuality, companionship, curiosity,

curiosity in what new things might be making in the world.