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Response to Green

Response to Green

changing9's picture

I think exploring the relationship between Yumi and Elliott is a great idea. You could devote some time to the nature of the relationship she had with him at the age of fourteen and then compare it with the relationship she had later. I don't know if I agree with you about whether Yumi did in fact grow up to become more conscious of her choices, because in my opinion, the fact that she went back to Elliott so easily, shows that she was still to some extent the same naive girl who hoped that Elliott might have changed over the years even when all evidence suggested otherwise. Even when she knew that he was up to no good, the fact that she still went to him shows her immaturity as well.

I'm intrigued by your first line about the parallel between the relationship Yumi had with Elliott and her love for her father. I'm not entirely convinced about this connection, because I don't really see any similarity between Lloyd and Elliott that would support this claim. I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this matter, though.

I like the quotes you have selected as they show a transition in the nature and objective of her relationship with Elliott. You could even examine how this changed as the power differentials changed in their relationship. 










