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David White's picture

I know my post is very late and I apologize about that.

After listening in class I've realized just how unsafe some "safe" spaces can be.  By having LGBTQQAIPCS spaces in schools, while yes it may give a safe space in the moment for students, it outs them to the entire school as being an LGBTQQAIPCS student.  While I don't think that this should be a problem in any way whatsover, we know that other people don't share this sentiment.  By joining a space like this, students are bassically putting a target on their back for individuals who don't agree with their sexual orrientation and life choices.  And this is terrible.  People shouldn't feel unsafe going to a safe space for individuals similar to them, that's insane.  While I like the idea of a space like the Attic, or here at Haverford we have the... oh crap I forget what it's called, but it's bassically a space for LGBTQQAIPC students and it's 100% confidential to the outside world.  Anybody who doesn't identify as LGBTQQAIPC can't attend. And while I think that this is great, we should have the need for this to happen.  It shouldn't be the case that individuals have to meet to private.