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Writing as Phoenix

haabibi's picture

In Phoenix perspective;


I was heavily but positively influenced by my great friends, a group of very active environmental activists. Also as a grandson of a potato farmer, I naturally was able to think a lot about environmental issues. And the older I got, the more I became to see the insuperable inequity of the social structure that humanities are situated in. Thus, I highly value all the works that Jones is trying to do. He is not just a mere environmental activist. Like my dear friends –The Seeds of Resistance- he really knows by his heart what can really trigger the change in this world –taking real actions. I had seen with my own eyes how individuals taking actions can be really difficult. I saw the demise of the loved ones and the cases of falsely charged imprisonment thanks to the pressure from authorities. Jones is the real brave one, who is trying to shed a light both on the darkness of environmental problems and the poverty issues. Alas, I send my full support to his works.



*I didn't know I had to write in the voice of a character! So I am posting another short paragraph! :)