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Local/ Organic Food Consumption at Bryn Mawr Project -data

*Also see the attached file!*

MAIN Points and Flow of the presentation 

1) Quick conversation between a student and the head of the Dining Service at Bryn Mawr. 

Q. Where are the foods coming from?

Q. Are there some reasons why we do not have so many local or organic foods?

2) What we've learned during our six-week project

After we interviewed Mom's Organic Market 

-There is a misconception about the price of organic foods in US.

-Also, there is a trick.

-College is like an individual - it can have priorities

-failure of the market 

3)Possible Solutions

After we interviewed Greens, a student-run sustainable club at Bryn Mawr

First, regarding the budget limit of the dining halls. 

Second, Bryn Mawr needs more student participation and active critical inquiry about the food that we eat. 

Thirdly, Bryn Mawr should allow partial meal plans for the students. 

Lastly, we, as individuals, should care more about what we eat 

4)Opening up a discussion

Yuri's case

Abby's case



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