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third thought

third thought

Anne Dalke's picture

maybe (given these visuals) we don't actually need the "relation of this post" option any more?
because these relations are too simple/not adequate....? and what we're really trying to show is
what the diagram shows, i.e. what connects to what?

What Post are you responding to?
Relation of this post to Related Post: 










on e-mail, ann said that she really disagrees with my proposal to
collapse the categories into one--this is not helpful, she thinks,
for having a meta-discussion about  e-conversation
(isn't that what we're doing here?) - that would be what
we have as regular ol' posts and comments already.

and not everyone is going to love/use the visual.

what do y'all think??

i very much appreciate the categories because they give a taste of the point within the web itself. it's helpful especially without the first two sentences.

for some indecisive students, it challenges them to consider their full post rather than blurt out thoughts all willy nilly. i very much appreciate organization and i hope it doesn't make me feel like a stickler.
