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finding myself in the museum space

Nyasa Hendrix's picture

this museum, is love. 

standing in line, i saw generations upon generations standing laughing and enjoying. i am not sure i have ever seen so mnay black people in a musuem. 


this museum, love. 


i have had a lot of racially charged events lately. i had felt a lot of emotions and nothing has ever felt so draining at fulfilling at the same time. but this museum is unique, it is inviting, for the exterior it comes off as though itll be dark behidn the beautifully crafted exterior, but there is so much natural light that pokes it head in. to hold you in enegry and to allow for fluid movements. this museum is beyond accesible, there are large and visible elevators, there aer esculators and stairs. everyone can get to everything. 

there is soooo much information, in every corner there is something new, written and visually explained. as i walked through each part i heard people saying everything from, " i was there" to "wow i didnt know that". how wonderful of a space? 

its huge ... there were so many people, seeing learning and sharing stories. there is so much information to take in and beauty that you culdnt possibly see it all in one day. but you want too, because every part of it tells you to and you do not refuse. 

every step is a feeling.. and thoughtful. the lighting, the quotes on the wall. intentional. 

there were so many babies, and i thought, one day i will bring a baby.. and i will share this knowledge with them. in a space that is about them and their history. 

i think about what this means... for so many people. for me. 

for all of those people who feel like they dont know where htye come from, because they cant trace their roots back to ( fill in the blank)... this is the place to look. 


you are here laced in these walls and laced in these quotes in the photos. 


you are here.