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Reflections of the day

Liv's picture

Today I decide to use The Book of Salt for our next paper. I don't plan for papers as effectively as I could, but during our close reading I started thinking about different ways to talk across intersectionalities. Our current model under the tone of "radical social justice work" seems to undermine to practicality of discussing identities intersectionally. It isnt a practice designed by occaisional use, it is an continuous state we rarely name outloud. Discussing intersections between class, race, gender and sexuality through food is a great way to discuss the "meat" of your position using a sensation that can resonate with the reader in ways that pertain to them. There isnt one way to discuss our identities; even in relation to formulaic institutions. Im a pessimist, but I still want things to change. I just want to be smart about instilling a change that is truly inclusive of as many people willing to be involved, and sustainable. I dont know what that looks like yet, but Im willing to explore the options. 

