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Grace and Zoe painting description

Grace Pindzola's picture

The canvas is about 18 inches by 18 inches and floats in a plain white wooden frame without the edges touching the sides. The painting has a large color palette including purple, green, yellow, blue, and white. These are surprising combinations of colors which work to emphasize each other. The paint has varied thickness and texture throughout, with smooth, pointed, rough, and drooping sections. This is a landscape in Switzerland depicting an abstract interpretation of a white house against a purple mountain. Just to the right of the center is a small mostly white, roughly house-shaped form. The house has a smooth texture which contrasts with the roughly textured tree standing beside it and of the surrounding mountain and ground. The bottom of the canvas can be broken up into three sections based on differing colors. The bottom left corner is bright yellow with green showing through underneath and the texture is relatively smooth. There are a few flecks of bright blue and orange and the canvas shows through in places. To the immediate right of the yellow section, there is a sharp transition to purples and browns in thicker and more texturedbut still smooth. The section on the far right is a dark green with drips of blue and purple. This section is much more textured and rough, and appears to have shelves of paint. The middle diagonal purple section suggests a path leading up to the house while the two green and yellow sections lying on either side of the path suggest green foliage and a pastoral setting.


The middle of the painting where the house and tree lie, is the most textured portion. It is hard to pick out any distinct aspects of the scenery, but the texture transitions into the mountain in the background. The top portion of the painting depicts the sky and mountain in light and smooth strokes. The colors here are light purple, blue and white. At both the right and left corners, the colors are very light and the texture is smoother. Between the light sections, the large purple mountain dominates the background. The texture brings to mind a rocky mountain which contrasts with the smoother grass, sky, and house.