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plan for sara's work this semester

jccohen's picture

program design:  need to come up with a curriculum plan for a 360.  

goal is to design a sustainable, replicable program of study that bryn mawr could offer at riverside. 

interviewing:  we need to think about who to talk with and then brainstorm interview questions.  could do 2-3 background interviews first, to get a feel for the territory.

e.g. if you were going to teach a 360 class involving architecture and incarceration, what might this involve?

sara: i'm trying to figure out how it would work in an institution like rcf - wouldn't look the same, so wondering about other versions of 360 here.

next step:  interview sarah theobald about 360s - 360 has gone through different processes, transformed each semester, would be interesting to learn more about how 360 has changed over time. 

anne: interview people here to get feel for real life structures here to make 360 possibilities real, but don't want to get too caught in what has maybe sarah gives you a grounding

as you talk with people and week by week, the program ideas move forward and become refined.  also, tutoring and friday group will be data that will inform the thinking about the program.

homework: sara will talk with both sarah and carola. 

Questions for Sara, carola, mark and/or pim:

first, explain what you're doing:  working on independent study on alternative pedagogy and doing senior project designing a course of study for women at riverside that could be sustainably offered by bmc.  i have an idea about designing a 360 for that purpose, so i want to learn more about the 360 at bmc.

where did the idea come from and what was the original vision?

what can you tell me about the range and variation of 360s?

what are the things the 360 achieves, ie good things about it?  what are the concerns about the 360?

with professors:  why do you gravitate toward teaching in 360s?  and why not?  why are faculty drawn to teaching in 360s and why not?