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Disruptive Symbiosis: A Reflection on Language and Representation

lindsey's picture

It’s hard to even know where to begin this reflection, the BioArt project seems like a fantastic the culmination of four years of scientific coursework, two formal courses in disability studies and disability studies, and lots of informative and thought-provoking conversations that have happened over the course of my time at Haverford.

BioArt Talk!!!

lindsey's picture

Hi All,

As we mentioned in class yesterday, Sarah and I will be giving a talk about our experience with the BioArt project as part of Disability Awareness Week on Tuesday April 19th (next week) at 4:30 pm.  We would LOVE it if you all could attend- we are hoping to have an informal discussion after we present our own experiences and your reflections and experiences would be greatly appreciated! See the attached flyer for more info.