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Aging as an Assumed Normative Process

rb.richx's picture

This is in response to "Why I Hope to Die at 75".

I think the core issue of Emanuel's article is that it almost only takes into account the established norm/identities that are generally "invisible" due to their privilege (ex: I’m guessing he’s a straight cisgender white man). So, basically, everything that intersects with age is tossed aside in an oversimplified argument that I believe holds no validity.

Here's a short list of "isms" that can be found and/or underlie his arguments (and thus why we shouldn't take him very seriously):

Your Money is Foul and So Is Capitalism: Why We Need to be Anticapitalist

Sunshine's picture

Your Money is Foul and So Is Capitalism: Why We Need to be Anticapitalist

“Globalization colonizes women’s as well as men’s lives around the world,


and we need an anti-imperialist, anticapitalist, and contextualized feminist

project to expose and make visible the various, overlapping forms of

sub- jugation of women’s lives.”