Traveler between Inner and Outer Spaces

S C I E N C E & S P I R I T


Jeanne-Rachel Salomon graduated from the McBride program at Bryn Mawr College with a BA in Anthropology in 2002. Prior to that formal education, she worked as an artist and designer. She also studied with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and graduated from their three-year advanced training program.



Jeanne-Rachel has studied with indigenous healers in Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Nepal. She is currently a shamanic practitioner in addition to designing labyrinths and meditation gardens and practicing dowsing. The labyrinth at Bryn Mawr College, a gift from the McBride students, was created by Jeanne-Rachel in 1998.

Her periodic travels will be shared on SCIENCE & SPIRIT.

The first of these travelogues is:

- Influence over Time and Space (June 2003)

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