II. The Collaboration--Exploring all paths
the players and their interests
biology professor
use the internet for effective teaching and learning
broadly interested in the intellectual implications of physics, especially
indeterminism and its role in biological systems
benefits of co-opting ideas from different disciplines
high school senior
use advanced mathematical skills
think about physical interpretations--where do models of facts end and
interpretation begin? What is a theory?
physics professor
deepen my own understanding of physics
build tools to benefit physics education--exploratory and interactive
make physics relevant to a broader audience
shared goals
to further science education in ways that are unique to the internet--to
potentially reach many people with a hands-on tool to learn something about
quantum mechanics
to illustrate different ways to make sense of the same observations, in
this case, finding brand new ways to think
to make connections to address universal questions with people from different
life experiences
key factors for success
the potential to learn something new
a product no one member of the team could have achieved alone
the patience to find explanations which made sense to all participants
the flexibility to find common ground among different perspectives
manage the relationships by building in opportunities for both free-ranging
conversations and focused work
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Wednesday, 02-May-2018 10:52:46 CDT