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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities

Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.

Workshops for High School Teachers

Summer Institutes For Philadelphia Teachers, 1990-present - a series of two-week institute offered during the summer that bring together Bryn Mawr faculty and precollege teachers from the Philadelphia School District, sponsored by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Since 2004, a component of Bryn Mawr/Haverford K-16 Collaborations in Science and Mathematics Education:

Education, Science, and the Brain, 2002 - notes for an in-service day, Haverford School District

Enhancing Connections: The K-16 Community and Integrating Science in the Curriculum, 2002 - a one day Project Kaleidoscope workshop to bring together regional precollege and college educators who share a common interest in making science and mathematics a more successful and integral part of the student experience at all levels of the educational process.

Inquiry, Interaction, and Technology, 2000 - a program for students of education at Bryn Mawr College, Haverford College, Swarthmore College, University of Pennsylvania, sponsored by an AT&T Learning Network Teaching and Technology Grant.

A Hands-On, Interactive Approach to HTML, 2000 - a presentation about creating web pages designed for use by an instructor in an environment in which participants can both see and try out things on available computers.

Diversity and Discovery in the Classroom II: Exploring Education as Exploration, 1999 - notes for a follow up inservice day for precollege teachers to share experiences, perspectives, ideas, and expertise on discovery-based approaches to education, in order to expand the range of strategies for teaching and evaluation, and to appreciate the relationship between the two.

Diversity and Discovery in the Classroom: Learning Abilities and Disabilities, 1998 - notes for an inservice day for precollege teachers to share experiences, perspectives, ideas, and expertise on the challenges and opportunities of diversity in high school classrooms.

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