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Wandering Around on Serendip
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Jumping Off Places for further explorations
Serendip A to Z, a necessarily incomplete, but enjoyable, index to Serendip and jumping off point
What's New, a complete list of new exhibits
Forums, a list of continuing conversations and archives
Webology and Webocracy, Serendip reflecting on itself
Serendip's Bookshelves, book and journal article reviews available on Serendip
Serendip's Site Map, a list of web exhibits organized by physical topography
Center for Science in Society at Bryn Mawr College, a nexus of interdisciplinary activities
Undergraduate Courses, Bryn Mawr College course web pages on Serendip
Serendip Readers Write Back, Bryn Mawr College student web papers on Serendip with reader comments
Bipolar Disorder
I just read your page about bipolar disorder, and I just wanted to let you know that I found it to be one of the most informative and well-written medical articles I've read by a lay person, for it not to be "authorative".
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