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Storytelling as Inquiry: Web Resources
Fall, 2007
Some Relevant Web Resources
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- Tracey Chapman
- Patricia Hampl
- I Could Tell You Stories, by Patricia Hampl
- Mary Catherine Bateson
- Crossing Cultures: A Talk with Mary Catherine Bateson
- Audre Lorde Page
- Audre Lorde's Life and Career
- Maxine Hong Kingston--Biography
- Maxine Hong Kingston--After the Fire: Interview
- Fairy Tales by the Grimm Brothers, original texts in German and English translations, with illustrations and documentation, from Virginia Commmonwealth University
- Grimm Brothers' Home Page, by D.L. Ashliman, recently retired from the University of Pittsburgh
- Folk Tales, from the Afro-American Almanac
- Indian Fairy Tales
- Folktales from Japan
- Korean Folktales
- Russian Folktales
- Ann Sexton, from Modern American Poetry
- Remembering Anne Sexton, by Erica Jong
- Ann Sexton, from Diane Middlebrook
- Bruno Bettelheim, from
- Bruno Bettelheim, a set of links
- Hero or Humbug?, review of two biographies
- Review of the book Madness on the Couch: Blaming the Victim in the Heyday of Psychoanalysis, appearing in the Skeptic's Dictionary
- A Psychology for a Changing World,
a 1988/99 Chairperson of the "renamed, redefined, and reinvigorated
Psychotherapy Section of the British Psychological Society", focusing
on "a story-telling approach to psychology".
- International Brecht Society
- Bertold Brecht Turns 100
- The Galileo Project
- Galileo - Journey to Jupiter
- Flatland, text on line.
- Math plots and plans: Edwin A. Abbott
- Social satire in Flatland
- Math Expands: Madeleine L'Engle ... about the author of Wrinkle in Time
- Time travel in Flatland?, "an animated tutorial in physics, light cones, and causality" ...
- see also Special News Bulletin from Flatland
- Unseen Dimensions. Scientific American. (August, 2000.)
- Michel Foucault
- Daniel C. Dennett's Homepage
- Further reading on Edge:
- Daniel C. Dennett
- Show Me the Science
- The Computational Perspective
- The Evolution of Culture
- Dennett's Deal
- Intuition Pumps
- Science and Creationism. National Academy of Science
- Creation Science
- Scientific Creationism
- Evolutionists Battle New Theory on Creationism. New York Times(April 4, 2001.) 8.
- The "New" Creationism. Slate. (April 16, 2001.)
- Defending the Teaching of Evolution in the Public Schools. National Center for Science Education
- Discovery Institute, Center for Science and Culture
- Seeing More Than Your Eye Does
- Time to Think, on Serendip
- The Three Doors, on Serendip
- Test Yourself For Hidden Bias
- Michael Polyani and Tacit Knowledge
- Michael Polanyi: Scientist Turned Philosopher
- "Philosophy In The Flesh"-- A Talk With George Lakoff
- George P. Lakoff
- Vygotsky Resources
- Steven Pinker
- Steve Pinker Unofficial Page
Steven Pinker Third Culture
- The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis by Daniel Chandler
- The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis: a Critique, by Neil Parr-Davies
- Mary Klages' lecture on Jacques Lacan
- Oliver Sacks
- Leslie Marmon Silko
- Native American Authors Project: Leslie Marmon Silko
- Clifford Geertz, Biography and Bibliography
- Clifford Geertz, Emphasizing Culture
- Clifford Geertz, Ethnography and Social Construction
- The Bryn Mawr Summer School Opens Its Doors
- Historical Marker Dedication
- M. Carey Thomas
- The Power and Passion of M. Carey Thomas
- M. Carey Thomas as Daring Visonary and Flawed Reformer
- M. Carey Thomas and the Making of the Bryn Mawr Campus
- Erdman and Louis Kahn
- Kahn Centenary