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Education 225, Technology in Education

Silentp's picture

Ptolemyrulz Minecraft Diary

This experience has been both frustrating and illuminating.  My expectations of how intensely frustrated I might get during the first few attempts at Minecraft have been exceeded.  I almost quit… several times.  Thanks to Youtube, last night I had a breakthrough.

Salopez's picture

Course so far

One thing that I have learned from the course so far are the different kinds of technology that are present in the classrooms as well as their implications. I have always looked down on technology since I find it to be a distraction rather than a aid in learning. Our outlook on technology in the classroom is forever changing and we definitely take technologies (both old and new) for granted. My rose would be the encouragement to "think outside the box" and participate in different ways that differ from my math education. My thorn would be that because my computer is broken, it really discourages me from doing my readings online and participating in the types of technologies we're learning about.

aamer's picture

Ed, Tech and Society: Unit 1

I felt like this unit was a good introduction and laid down the foundation for the class: defining the terms and posing the big questions to contemplate over the course of the semester. It has encouraged me personally to engage with and explore technology that I have been reluctant to experiment with in the past, including prezi and instagram, and I am excited to continue to learn. We have also established initial contact with our pen pals in Ghana and while we are uncertain about the development of that relationship at this point, I am excited about the possibilities. The prospect of an undeveloped structure to this part of the course is exciting but at the same time, a bit anxiety provoking, and so I hope we can help future participants by laying down some sort of structure for them.

alesnick's picture

Technology as a Medium for Learning

Lauren Maksym 

This student advocates for the usefulness of technology in the process of educating.


alesnick's picture

The Importance of Engaging Students’ Interest in their Learning

by Akua Peprah

A mentor is more effective in teaching when he/she manages to incorporate students' interests in the lectures. 

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