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The Breaking Project
The Breaking Project
Creative Disruptions in Thinking, Writing, and Creating
This is an evolving space for publishing and exploring writing, artwork, and film that come from experiences of Breaking: choosing radical change — Breaking away, in, up, through, down, out, . . . ground, free . . . the cycle, the spell, the mold.
Breaking is a way to:
- Reconsider the frameworks we come from
- View the viewing-lenses we look through
- Disrupt to create
- Make big changes, free up new energy
Introduction ∙ Contents ∙ Workbook ∙ Add a Piece ∙ Discussion ∙ People/Community ∙ Resources
Please take a look at what’s on the Project now, participate in any of the discussions/explorations, and create your own Breaking Project!
Radical, conscious change is multi-media and interdisciplinary.
Any form that interests you is relevant.
relevant quote
Just came across this passage from the I Ching that serves as the eigraph for Young-Bruehl's and Bethelard's book, Cherishment: A Psychology of the Heart:
— "Difficulty at the Beginning," I Ching (3)
Breaking is about the struggle to attain form by newly separating so as newly to unite.
another quote
“...we are too liable to consider our civilization as the ultimate goal of human evolution, thus depriving ourselves of the opportunity of learning from the teaching of others. My whole outlook upon life is determined by one question: How can we recognize the shackles tradition has lain upon us? For when we recognize them, we are also able to break them.”
— Franz Boas, “The Shackles of Tradition”